Royal Trouble (23)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"How are you feeling?" Raya said walking over to me, we had a very very busy morning, King Zayn sent us a huge ass list to make for the day. Apparently there are some really important people coming over from another Kingdom, for an agreement connecting both of Kingdoms. 

Graoning I grab a hold of my back, being pregnant was not a walk in the park while working, my back had been aching for the past hour but I pushed through not wanting to leave Raya alone. 

"I'm fine, just a bit sore." I said leaning against the counter behind me, "This baby is causing me a lot of  soreness and pain last time I was pregnant it wasn't this bad."

"Do you have any ideas for the name?"

"I really like the names Brazen, Owen, Luke, and Hayes and for Girls, I like Aura, Aubrie, Zoella, and Nylah."

Raya smiled at me, "I really like the names Brazen and Nylah."

"What you are not going to ask the father for his opinion?" Zayn said smirking before stepping in the kitchen.

"You are not the father, not after what you said about the baby." I said glaring at him, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I just came to check-in, if the food was just about ready we can't upset the Royals that are coming in."

Rolling my eyes at him I turn around to show him all the food that is done, "The only thing that is left is desert. They won't be disappointed."

Raya clenched her jaw looking away from Eddie who walked in right after he walked in. "Hey, Raya,"

Rolling her eyes she went back to the oven to check on the food, Eddie looked at me for some help but I shook my head, "If that is all please leave."

Zayn glared at me, "I am King, I can stay where the hell I want to stay," Taking in a deep breath he looked over to Raya, "Raya could I talk to you for a minute?"

She looked over at him, "What?"

"Look I just wanted to apologize on my behalf about what we put you through, look Eddie-"

"I don't care, leave me alone." She said cutting him off 

"Fucking hell," Eddie stormed over to her making her back up, "Just listen-"

"Leave me alone," Raya said trying to push him away but he grabbed her arms I stepped forward to tell him off but Zayn grabbed my arm roughly pulling me to him.

"Zayn," I hissed but he shook his head. 

"Let them work it out."

Eddie picked her up by her wait hailing her out of the kitchen with her fighting against her, "Eddie I said I don't want to talk to you, let me go!!"

Pushing Zayn off of me I step back, "What the hell?"

"They need to work things out Ellie, stop trying to keep them apart."

"I am not trying to keep them apart. Raya doesnt want to talk to him so I was just helping her." I said huffing grabbing my back. 

"What's wrong?" He said looking concerned?


"It doesnt look like nothing."

"Since when are you concerned for the wellbeing of the child or me?"

Zayn clenched his jaw looking away from me, "I am not, you just looked like you were in pain so I asked."

Sighing I rolled my eyes at him, "Back pain,"

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