Royal Trouble (28)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Yawning I try to stretch my body since it was sore from sleeping int he same position as last night but something restricts me from doing so. Half asleep I look over my shoulder Zayn was there giving me a heart attack but he looked so peaceful. Looking down I notice his arms were lightly wrapped around my waist keeping me from moving. 

Smiling I try to take his hands off of me but they go right back to their original place. Why am I here anyway? Looking around the room I see the time, 1:00 am flashing on the clock across the room. Had I been sleeping the whole day?

Confused I struggled in his grip trying to find a release but his arms tighten around me growing frustrated I turned around in his arms moving him so he would awake but all he does is flinch. 

"Zayn," I whispered, "Zayn, let me go."

He groaned pulling me closer, "Shut up," He said barely above a whisper, "Go back to sleep,"

"Zayn I have to go,"

"Sahara, shut up," Zayn said frustrated tightening his arms, my heart broke for him a little, not a lot but he was imaging that I was her.

"I'm going to pee on the bed if you don't let me go," It wasn't a lie, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. "Zayn,"

"Sahara, please just stay," He started to shake a little, "Sahara, don't leave me." His arms started to loosen as he got stressed out, "Sahara,"

Not knowing what to do I propped myself up on my elbow placing my hand on his cheek, "I'm right here,"

"I need you,"

"I-I need you too," I said carefully seeing if my voice was reflecting off of as hers.

"Then why are you leaving me?" It was...

"I'm not leaving you...I'm always with you Zayn, in your heart."

"No, I want you here beside me, with Ace remember our baby?"

I can't believe I was having this conversation with him, when he woke up he was going to kill me. Hesitantly I sighed bringing his hand up to my stomach, "We're with you, always and forever."

"Sahara!" Zayn woke up sweating I quickly dropped closing my eyes so he wouldn't notice I was awake.

I heard him panting, "Fuck," He groaned, "Stupid nightmares,"

I felt on his gaze on me as he leaned down to see if I was awake, "Queenie?"

My heartbeat picked up, "Queenie are you awake?"

"God, she's been sleeping since 12:00 pm, Bon-Bon must really be bugging her at night,"

Sighing he layed back down adjusting himself so he was sleeping away from me, I began to miss his warmth immediately but ignored it since I had to go to the bathroom really bad. After a couple of minutes, I heard his breathing even out so I took my chance to get up and go to the bathroom. Waddling over I quickly close the door. 

Zayn, I don't know what to think about him. He is so hot and cold, I mean at times I just want to choke him to death and then other times like now all I want to do is give him a big hug. 

Staring at myself in the mirror I debate about getting back in bed with him, biting my lip I shake my head quietly opening the bathroom door, I keep my eye on my goal, getting to that door without waking him up. 

Grabbing my slippers from the edge of the bed, I grab my other belongings too and tiptoe over to the door, letting out a relieved breath as I got to the door I turned the nob smiling but as soon as I open the door an inch the door gets slammed shut, my body tenses. "Where do you think you are going?" Zayn whispered in my ear. 

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