Royal Trouble(26)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Driving for hours we finally arrive at our destination the cemetery where we buried Sahara and Ace. It was only fair for her to know my story as I knew hers, maybe if I showed her I wasn't as bad as she thought I was she would make this process a lot less painful then it needs to be. 

I hate her still, but me knowing everything and her knowing nothing will throw curveballs into our lie. She had to know about Sahara and Ace.

Stepping out of the car she looked at me confused, "Why are we here?"

Sighing I grab her hand taking her to their gravestone, "Come here,"

My eyes started to blur from my tears but I quickly wiped them away, I didn't want her to see me weak. 

 In the Memory of Sahara Nia Brooklyn

 Loving Wife, Daughter, Sister, and Mother

November 16, 1995 - December 16, 2017

"Who was this?"

"My fiance," I said looking away from the stone, 

Ellie looked at me shocked, "Fiance? But the Palace-"

"We hadn't announced it yet. We were going to announce it later after our baby was born." I said cutting her off,


Clenching my jaw I look at her, "Sahara was pregnant, she was going to a check-up when a drunk diver slammed into one of our cars. The bastard did a hit and run, we could never find him. The driver died on impact but Shara she fought..."

Letting out a shaky breath I continued the story, "I was supposed to be crowned King three years ago, that's why I wasn't with her, she was supposed to come back on time but I ran to the hospital when I found out. Our baby we name Ace died on impact, Sahara was left with deep wounds one of her lungs had collapsed and the other was barely functioning. Her leg-"

"Please stop," Ellie whispered, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Her leg was almost cut off, there were no chances of her surviving either."


"I lost both of them on the same day and turned into what I am today." 

"Zayn... I am so-"

"Don't, I don't want your pity." I said glaring at her, "The only reason I am telling you this is so you don't fuck up my plan. You need to know about Sahara and Ace otherwise Dad will find out that I am just marrying you so I can get him off my back."

"Did you love her?" She asked without acknowledging what I just said.

"What do you think?"

"It's not about what I think, did you love her?"

Taking a deep breath, "More than anything,"

"You are a damaged King,"

Smirking I looked at her tauntingly, "And you are a damaged Queen,"

Shaking her head she looked away from me, "Do you think she's happy looking down at you? Don't you think she wants you to be happy? She wants you to be at peace instead of hurting everyone in your path?"

"Well, she isn't here so I don't exactly know what she wants me to be or do. Don't try to take her place in my life trying to tell me what to do or not and that child you're carrying has no space in my life like you."

Ellie looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Well to me this child means the world to me because I don't know what ill do if something happens to him. I'll go crazy because I can't lose another baby. Some people actually learn to face their pain, unlike others, Zayn."

She began to storm away giving Saharas stone one last glance but I grabbed her pulling her back, "You think I don't face my pain?"

"No, you hide behind this fake personality of yours, sleeping with girls, playing with their feelings, using me, not caring about your child, facing your pain would actually be letting happiness into your life, let love into your life but no you just want to hide behind the walls you put up. I faced it because I smile, not smirk, I actually laugh, not fake a smile, and I let you in even though there were thousands of reasons not to let you. Facing it means changing, dealing with shit instead of avoiding it."

Anger started rushing through my veins I felt my heart started to beat faster, she tilted her head to the side a little, "What did I hit a nerve?"

Wrapping my hand around her neck not putting a lot of pressure on it but just enough, "You are the worlds most insufferable bitch Arabella,"

Hurt flashed across her face, "If it was up to my I would have fucked you and not look at you again. I have never avoided my pain, I live with it every day you bitch maybe if you hadn't opened you legs we wouldn't be in this situation."

Struggling in my grip her eyes had widened in panic, "Maybe you stayed the fuck away from like I said I wouldn't have to be with you."

There's the bite that drives me crazy, she never knew when to give up but she was annoying as fuck. "You know if I wanted too," I whispered leaning closer to her tightening my grip on her throat just slightly, "I could kill you right here and leave you."

Letting out a shaky breath she kept her eyes on me, "Do it,  free me as Sahara got freed from you, it'll be better to die than spending the rest of my life with you."

Ouch. Releasing my grip on her I stepped back as she leaned over coughing holding onto her neck where I hand my hand, "Sorry, I can't give you the pleasure of being killed by me but we have to go now."

Looking down at Sahara's stone one last time I grabbed her wrist fragging her to the car, "And don't ever mention her in one of our arguments again unless you want your wish to come true."

Ellie rolled her eyes at me before flipping me off looking out the window.

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