Royal Trouble (14)

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Arabella's P.O.V. 

It's been a couple of days since the thing happen and I haven't seen Zayn around either. He kisses me and ditched me. Not that I'm mad, I was terrified of what else he had planned for me. 

That kiss has been on my mind ever since it happened, I haven't told Raya either. I don't know I couldn't bring myself to tell her. 

"Bella, are you even listening to me?" Raya said shaking me a little, 

Clearing my throat I look up at her, "Yeah, I was."

She looked down at me raising her eyebrow "What did I just say?"

"Fine, I'm sorry. Tell me again." I said shaking my head. 

"Eddie asked me to go on a date with him."

"Okay... So what's the problem?"

She bit her lip, "Um I've never been on a date before."

I give her a blank look, "Raya, come on. He's Eddie, just be yourself."

"Come with me," She said quickly 


"Come with me," Raya said firmly

"I am not going to be the third wheel Raya, grow up."



She groaned pulling out her phone she texted Eddie, "What are you doing?"

"Problem solved." She said smiling at me

"Raya...What did you do?"

"I said I will be bringing you with me and he said he's going to bring Zayn with him. So its a double date."

My eyes widened in surprise, "Raya!"


"I am not going on a double date with Zayn."

"What's the problem you were hanging out with him a couple of days ago? Just think of it as hanging out not a date."

Clenching my jaw I let out a deep breath, "Fine, where are we going?"

"Just out to the theatre at the Palace, maybe hang out in the garden after." She said doing her makeup.  "Get up,"

Rolling my eyes at her I got up and put a simple jumper on pulling my hair up in a pony tail and sat in front of her. I was not going to dress to impress just because she was too scared to go on a date with the nicest guys in the world. 

"I'm done," I said grabbing my phone. 

"Me too,"

I jinx myself, that's all I can say. I literally jinx myself because every time I mention his name he appears even if I am just thinking about him. 

"Raya," Eddie said hugging her tightly, "Hey Bella," He said after giving me a hug too. 

"Hey Ellie," Zayn said popping out from behind Eddie

I gave him a bored look making him smile, "Hey Zayn,"

"Don't worry about him, he promises he will be good tonight."

Forcing a smile I nodd, "Of course he will." 

Tonight was going to be an adventure because the look in Zayn's eye said something else.

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