Royal Trouble (17)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"Arabella," Someone said roughly shaking me, "Arabella,"

Groaning I shake their hand off of me before stretching laying down keeping my eyes closed, "Wake up Arabella before someone sees."

My eyes open slowly taking in who was shaking me, Zayn, he was standing there in boxers looking frustrated, "Finally I have been trying to wake up for the past ten minutes."

Confused I look down at myself, naked. 

"Don't stop," I moaned in his ear

Blushing I grab the blanket and cover myself up, "There's nothing I haven't seen already, get up and get out."

"What?" I said looking up at him

"I said get out," He threw my dress at my face, "Hurry, Eddie will escort you out."

"Why are you acting like an asshole Zayn?"

He smirked, "I only needed one taste  remember?"

I heard a piece of my heartbreak off, "What?" I whispered

"Promise you won't hurt me?"


"Jeeze Ellie, I thought you were smarter than you look. I only needed one night, one night to know what you taste like, what you look like underneath me," Zayn said walking around to sit on the bed beside making me flinch hugging the sheets tighter against my body. "And I did."

Another piece broke off.

Blinking back my tears I look away from before slipping my dress on underneath the sheets making sure he doesnt see anything. 

Letting out a shaky breath I stepped off of the bed, "Aw come on Ellie," He said grabbing my hand I pushed him back 

"Dont fucking touch me!" I yelled at him 

"I can't believe you would stoop so low, so low to sleep with me."

He glared at me, "Watch it Ellie,"

"Oh Fuck off Zayn, what are you going to do slap me? Fire me? Play with me again? What the fuck are you going to do?" I said pushing him again. 

"Do you realize that I gave my body to you after I was raped?! You are the first guy I let in to touch me, you fucking asshole." Letting out all my anger I slapped him his face turned to the side from the unexpected blow. 

My breathing got faster, Zayn slowly lifted his face back upbringing his hand up to touch his face, "Leave,"

I wasn't done yet, through my tear I slapped him again, punched him, while he tried to block my hits."You are an asshole, you are the most... the most arrogant, emotionless, asshole in the whole world. I hate you." I screeched. 

Finally managing my hands he pinned me to a wall, "Well guess what Ellie? You slept with the person you hate the most in the world, what are you going to do now."

All you could hear was the sound of our heavy breathing from wrestling each other, clenching my jaw I managed to slip out of his grip and pushed him away, "Stay the fuck away from me Zayn."

Storming out I saw Eddie smirking? Confused I ran out to the apartment, did he hurt Raya?

"Raya?" I said running into her room, she was sitting beside the bed emotionless, "Raya?"

"He didn't mean it, he didn't mean any of it." She whispered to me


Raya looked up at me wiping her tears away, "They were playing us, Eddie, Miles, Zayn, they had a bet. Who can sleep with us first. Eddie had me, Zayn had you but when they found out that you were raped, it was a bump in the step."

Confused I look at her, "Eddie kept me away from you, keeping me busy while Zayn was trying to convince you that he changed. We were a bet Bella, a fucking bet."

My head began spinning, "But Eddie..."

"He took my virginity, and Zayn finished off his craving for you."

I hugged Raya tightly as her body rocked from the sobs she was letting out, while I sat there emotionless, do we not deserve happiness? Why do we always have to suffer? Why do we have to get hurt?

"Was Annie in on it?"

"All of them," She said through her tears. "Annie, Eddie, Zayn, and Miles."

"Fuck them," I said angrily, "Fuck them," Gently wiping her tears away I say, "They dont deserve our tears, our pain, we are going to strut into that kitchen tomorrow ignore the stupid comments that are going to floating about us and we are going to do our job."


"We are strong Raya, together, they are just some fucked up people who don't have any emotions okay?"

"Okay," She said 

"Let's eat some ice cream, and wtch Teen Wold like we use to okay? Forget that this ever happened."

Raya got up and walked outside dragging me out with her. 

Easier said than done but ill be damned if he sees me cry or her cry. 

Fuck Zayn Leo Arden. 

Fuck Eddie Knight Ebony, 

We are fine alone. 

Author's Note:

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