Royal Trouble (9)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Good Morning Nya," I said running down the stairs after her before she made it to her first shift in the kitchen. Looking back at me she gave me a weird look before rolling her eyes at me, 

"Stop calling me Nya, Leo how many times do I have to tell you. And why are you coming after me?" She said backing away from me

"I need a favor-"

"No," Nya said firmly before walking away from me or attempting to grabbing her arm roughly I pull her back

"Come on,"

"I am not going help you get one night stand with Bella," Confused I look down at her "I saw the way you were looking at her last night and the answer is no. Finally out of this whole palace there is one girl who doesnt drool over you. I'd like to keep it that way thank you very much."

"But you see-" I said wrapping my arm around her waist to fully trap her, "I don't like that, so I need you to do something for me and you will do it unless you want to be fired from the cooking team."

Glaring up at me she stomped on my foot just like Ellie did last night making me loosen my grip in an instant, "I can't believe you would threaten me for something so stupid Zayn, you should be glad I won't tell Eddie about this, I am not going to help you get into another woman's pants just for the fucking hell of it. Back off or I will tell Eddie next time."

Shocked at her outburst I tried to cut in but before I could even say anything Nya walked off. There are only a few people in this world who can talk to me and get away with it, shes one of them. Sighing I run back upstairs to my room, fuck what will I do now?

Arabella's P.O.V.

Annie came storming into the kitchen looking pissed off, looking over at Raya I point towards her she just shrugs continuing to cut the meat we had to prepare for the Royals tonight. 

Sighing I walked over to her putting my hand on her shoulder, "Annie?"

She grumbled turning around not meeting my gaze, "Hey is everything alright?"

"Fine, just woke up a little sore," Annie said slipping out of my grip before heading towards Raya asking what she had to do today. Something seemed off about her. But what?

"Annie, you know you can talk to us right?" I said walking over to them, "Are you sure its because you are a little sore, or is it because of something else?"

Looking up at me she sighed, "Zayn came to me this morning,"

Raising an eyebrow up at her I say, "Yeah...?"

"H-He wanted me to convince you to sleep with him or at least help him get to you." She whispered looking down at the floor, "But I swear I said no, I said I would never do that to another girl who is unwilling to-"

Clenching my jaw I spun on my heel towards the door, "Where are you going, Bella?"

Not answering her I storm out of the kitchen and up to his room pushing Eddie to the side as I shoved the doors of his room open, "What the-"

"How dare you!" I yelled at him 

Zayn had the audacity, the audacity to look confused, "What are you talking about?"

"How dare you bring Annie into this sick game you are trying to play with me?!" It was like a switch went off in his mind because in an instant he was in front of me shoving me against the doors closing them in the process, "Shut up,"

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