Royal Trouble (36)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn..." Ellie whispered shaking me a little, "Zayn, come on you have to get up."

Graoning I ignore her pulling her in closer, "Shut up," I whispered back

"Zayn, Eddie has been calling your cellphone for about an hour now. You have to get up," She said pulling away from me, my eyes snap open sitting up quickly I call him back,


"What's up Eddie?" I said grumbling running my hand through my hair,

"Evan woke up, thought you might want to know, remember to keep your cool this time and tell Bella not to come down with you." He said monotoned. "Come down as soon as you can."

"Alright," I said looking over at Ellie, "I'll be there soon, give me ten minutes."

Ellie looked at me curiously, "Where do you have to go?"

Sighing, "I just have to go see Evan again, this time don't come downstairs Ellie. I don't have much control over my anger if I see him okay? So its better if you just stay upstairs."

"Fine, could you let me go now? I have to go check on Bray and Nala."

Removing my arms from around her Ellie stretched getting off of the bed, "Just bring them here before I leave."

Ellie smiled at me before disappearing into the other room, "Diaper duty," She said handing me Bray while she gently layed Nala down on the bed, grabbing the diapers from the baby bag she handed me one, as she changed hers.

Nala giggled as Ellie tickled her stomach, "Hey baby," she whispered, "Good Morning, look at that beautiful smile both of you are giving me."

Chuckling I look down at Bray he was stretching his arms out smiling at me, "Thank God they don't cry all the time," I whispered to her, "Otherwise I would have gone crazy."

"Yeah...they are happy little troopers." She said looking at me, "They get that from me, if they got your personality, I would have ripped all of my hair out by now."

I squint my eyes at her, "I was a happy baby too, ask mom."

"Yeah, right." Ellie said rolling her eyes at me, "Go get ready, otherwise, Eddie will call again."

Shaking my head at her I lean over and gently kiss her cheek, "Will do Wifey, be home by the time I get back maybe we'll do go out somewhere with the kids today." I said jumping out of bed walking over to the apartment door,

Her face had turned into a light shade of pink, "Okay,"

Smirking I left the apartment, quickly made a stop at my room to freshen up then went downstairs to face him again. Everything about him pisses me off, the way he talks, sits, laughs, fucking breaths...Storming my way down to the cellar I come to a stop seeing Eddie standing there will a shocked look on his face. "Eddie?"

"Welcome back your highness," Evan said smirking through the gates, "Missed you, did you miss me?"

Glaring at him, "Shut the hell up before I beat you to a pulp again." I said firmly, looking back at Eddie I shook him, "Eddie, come on."

Eddie looked at me finally, "It wasn't her fault, keep in mind, it wasn't her fault." He whispered to me.

"It wasn't who's fault?" I asked confused, "Eddie!"

"Arabella Clay's," Evan said, turning around I tilt my head to the side a little, 

"What did you just say?"

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