Royal Trouble (24)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Stepping out of the shower I slump down on my bed, finally, it felt so good to give my back a rest from cooking all day. 

Suddenly my phone started ringing, who could be calling me at 12:00 at night, "Hello?"

"Hey, Queenie come out," 

Rolling eyes at his voice, I cut the phone on him.

It started to ring again, "What Zayn?"

"I told you to come out."

"Zayn I am not going to come out in the middle of the night to entertain you okay? I am fucking tired and want to go to sleep."

"Well, you might want to come out because Dad and Mom want to talk to us tomorrow morning."

Confused I ask, "Why do they want to talk to us?"

"Come out and find out."

Frustrated with him I quickly put on a cardigan over top of my nightdress and open my door where he was standing with a smirk on his face, "What is going on Zayn?"

"You're not going to invite me in?" He said trying to step in but I shut the close a little just so there was room for me. 

"No. Can you hurry up and tell me?"

Rolling his eyes at me he removed my hand from the door and pushed his way through, sitting down on the sofa, "What's the rush Queenie?"

"Stop calling me that."

Checking my out Zayn leaned forward in the sofa even though I was standing a good distance away from, "I told them,"

My heart started to beat faster, "Told them what?"

"I told them that you are pregnant with my kid," I glared at him as he said that. "And that you and I have been dating for the past year."

"Excuse me?! We have not been dating for the past year! And why would you tell them that, seriously Zayn you are so-"

"That child that you are wandering around within your stomach is royalty. A King's child."

"An assholes child,"

"You need to come up with a better insult than that Queenie, it's getting old."

Not knowing what to think I shook my head, "Why Zayn?"

"I told you to watch your back."

Snapping my gaze back to his I tilt my head to the side, "Seriously? This is all part of some sick twisted revenge? What revenge? I should be planning revenge you are the one who used me and left me pregnant!"

In a flash he had me against the door, "I love to torture you, the kick that I get out of it is another pleasure that I never knew of Queenie," Biting his lip he looked down at mine but I quickly turned my face to the side. "See being a King takes up a lot of my time so I don't get to see you, annoy you, rile you up having you in my bedroom, attached to me as a Queen will allow me to do that."

Clenching my jaw I take in a deep breath, "I will not be your Queen,"

Tilting my head back to meet his gaze he chuckled, "I don't think you'll have a choice,"

"And what will stop me?"



"You deny following my rules, becoming my Queen, Raya will be kicked out of the kingdom, no questions asked." Zayn said smirking evilly at me, "Now you decide, the rest of your life with me or living the rest of your life knowing you could have helped you best friend from being off of the streets."

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