Royal Trouble (35)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Stumbling through my bedroom door, I look around the room for Ellie, she was nowhere to be found, wobbling making my way to the bed I fall down in it holding the bottle of vodka, my second one to be exact.

I can't believe I left bruises on her, fucking idiot. Slapping myself on the back of my hand I waited and waited for her to come but she didn't come. Taking another sip from the bottle stand up trying to find my balance and walk over to the nursery.

Quietly walking into the nursery I find that empty too, a wave of panic hit me, where did they go? Where could they go? It was like all the alcohol I drank... it was gone, I was completely sober. Did he escape, did he take my family again. Frantically running down to the prison area I check is celll, Evan was laying there still unconscious from all my hits. 

Where the fuck is she? Where did she take our kids? 

I pulled out my phone dialing her number but she didn't pick up it went straight to voice mail, panicking I ran over to Eddie's room, "Eddie! Eddie open up,"

I heard him roll around in his room before he opens the door, "What the hell Zayn? Do you know..."

"Where are Ellie and the kids?" I said cutting him off, 

Eddie sighed, "Bella told me not to tell you Zayn, she's mad at you."

"I don't give a fuck," I snapped at him, "Where are they?"

"Have you been drinking?" Eddie asked smelling the alcohol in my breath,

"A little bit," I said, "Come on Eddie,"

"You left her with bruises Zayn, do you really think she wants to see you right now after what she's been through."

Graoning I run my fingers through my hair tugging on it out of frustration, "Why was she there in the first place?"

He looked away from me, "I called her down hoping she could calm you down but..."

Sighing, "Eddie, please."

"Her apartment, Raya is sleeping in her with me, and Annie is visiting our parents so the apartment was completely empty for her to stay in. They are there."

Smiling at him, I ran over to the apartment yelling a thank you over my shoulder. They are okay, they are safe. Knocking on the door madly I waited for her to open the door, "Hold on I'm coming," She yelled, knocking again, "Stop, I'm coming."

Quickly opening the door, "I swear if my kids wake up-" Ellie stopped talking as she saw me, her bruises were still bright as before. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I" I stuttered before clearing my throat, "I came to take you back where you are supposed to be,"

Ellie glared at me, "Go away Zayn," She began to close the door in my face but I caught it with my hand. "Seriously Zayn," Still pushing against it she wasn't giving up, "I don't want to go back there. Leave us alone."

Winning the little war we had going on with the door I stepped in as she stepped away from me backing herself up as far away as she could get from me. 

"Where are the kids?" I asked casually going to sit on the couch,

"Sleeping in Raya's room," She said dismissively, "What are you doing here Zayn?"

Raising my eyebrow at her, "Come here," I said patting the seat beside me on the couch,

"No," Ellie said immediately, "I don't trust you,"

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