Royal Trouble (15)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Trying to shake off the feeling of Zayn all over my body from last night, I focused on cutting carrots, yes I was back in the kitchen pushing back the memories of him and I. 

His touch didn't burn me anymore, it gave me comfort, his kiss was soft, not rough, his whole personality did a 180, but that's what is bugging me. Why? 

"Bella, are you done with the carrots yet?" Annie said skipping over to me, 

Sighing I smile putting them into the bowl, "All done, I just quickly have to warm up the broth we made last night and we will be done with breakfast."

"Sounds good." She said walking away over to the stove. 

My heart was beating so fast, I needed to tell someone, anyone. "Hey, guys?"

Raya looked over smiling, "Yeah?"

"Zayn and I kissed...twice."

Annie and Raya both looked at me surprised, "What?" Raya whispered dropping the knife in her hand "When did this happen? How did it happen?"


"Did he force himself on you because I swear-"

"No!" I said cutting her off, "He kissed me, well he asked first and then I said yes."

Annie raised an eyebrow at me, "You said yes?"

"I don't know," I said frustrated, "It's just when I'm around him my senses are heightened, everything is on guard and he has this weird attitude change, he's nicer, he's kinder, he's not forceful and we just kissed."

Raya sighed walking over to me, "Bella, just be careful okay?"


"You like him, those senses that get heightened, you have a want for him, he has an effect on you, so just be careful okay?"

Do I like him? No, I can't like him, "I don't like him," I denied

Raya put her hands on her hips, "Denial, the first step of liking someone."

Glaring at her I picked up my knife again, "I am not in denial. Just get back to work."

She chuckled walking away from me before teasingly saying, "Denial..."

Graoning I begin to chop the celery aggressively, Do I like him or is a craving? As he said, he just needed one taste, is that... Shaking my head I block out any thoughts of him, no Bella, forget it. 

"How was your date last night?" Annie said to Raya who blushed looking down. 

Smirking I turn around, it was my turn now, "Yeah Raya how was your date?"

Her eyes quickly met mine, "Shut up Bella,"

"Your brother and her had an amazing time,"


Annie looked back and forth between us before she shuddered in disgust, "Okay, I didn't need to know about that."

Raya rolled her eyes at us, "Leave me alone."

"Stop bothering my girlfriend," Eddie said surprising all of us walking into the kitchen, "Hey babe," 

Raya turned around running towards him kissing him gently on his lips, "Hey Handsome."

"Aww," Annie and I said teasingly 

Eddie turned around shaking his head, "Hello to the both of you too."

"What are you doing here?"

"Being the guard for the King now is extra work so I got really hungry and thought I would come down here and grab some food for Zayn and I."

Annie looked over to me as soon as he said Zayn's name making me nudge her with my elbow, "Bella he requested you to make coffee for him and muffins and Raya could you make me a quick sandwich."

My heart skipped a beat before I turned around to make his breakfast, before sneakily writing a note tucking it underneath the coffee mug. 

You need to stop requesting me to only making your coffee, I do the exact same thing as the other girls do... also I had a question...

Do you still miss me or what that just a way to get another kiss?

Hope you enjoy the coffee and muffin

P.S. I don't miss you at all. 

- Ellie

Biting my lip I try to control the giggle that was threatening to escape from my mouth before turning back around handing Eddie the tray. "Here you go,"

"See you soo Bella,"

Raya looked at me suspiciously, "What? Move, we have to prep for lunch too." I said before giggling quietly, imaging his reaction. 

I liked this Zayn.

Zayn's P.O.V

"Here is your breakfast King," Eddie said jokingly before sitting down in front of me biting into his morning sandwich

"Thank you," My stomach was growling, it had been growling for the past two hours. There is so much more stuff I needed to learn while being a King, dad left a whole list of allies we have and a whole list of enemies we have. I had spent the last two hours just trying to study them. 

Picking up my coffee mug I notice a paper sticking to the bottom of it, "What is that?" Eddie said noticing it too. 

Shrugging I take it off and open it. 

You need to stop requesting me to only making your coffee, I do the exact same thing as the other girls do... also I had a question...

Do you still miss me or what that just a way to get another kiss?

Hope you enjoy the coffee and muffin

P.S. I don't miss you at all. 

- Ellie 

Chuckling I fold it up again before tucking it in my pocket, sighing I bit into my muffin, my plan was working, she is slowly falling for me but when is she going to let me touch her body, no one knows but it won't stop me from trying or waiting. 

"What was it?"

I shook my head, "It was nothing, don't worry about it."

Eddie looked at me suspiciously but shrugged it off, "So what do we have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Um, I just have to look over these files one more time before going into a meeting with Dad, and then we have to leave the Palace for a couple of hours to go to the orphanage to give them some presents, it's one of the kids birthdays."

He nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

"Yep, but hurry and eat because the meeting is in 30 minutes so we have to be prepared."


I would go meet Bella in these 30 minutes but can't... I can't let dad down. The mission will continue tomorrow. 

Author's Note:

Hey, how is everyone?

I hope you are enjoying the story so far... 

I know Zayn is kind of an asshole, but don't worry just keep reading... 

Lots and Lots of drama coming up, 

Love you guys.

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