Royal Trouble (18)

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Arabella's P.O.V (Two Weeks Later)

It's been two weeks since I woke up next to that asshole, two weeks since Eddie left Raya, two weeks since we truly became the laughing stock of the Palace. Miles told everyone that they won the bet because he was running around the palace naked, flashing everybody. The only person who felt bad was Layla, she came running to us in tears saying that she can't believe they did that. Raya hadn't talked to anyone for a week other than me, I just told everyone to fuck off whoever tried to make fun of us. 

Annie avoided us, I bet she felt bad too, she didn't even look at us before switching to the design team. 

Sighing, I look over at Raya, suddenly I got the urge to vomit from smelling the potato soup Raya was making pushing past everyone trying to hold it back rushing to the bathroom I let all contents out of my stomach into the toilet. Graoning I hold back my hair, I hated throwing up, I used to cry whenever I was younger. 

Finally finishing up, I stayed on my knees trying to catch my breath, ugh, getting up I almost fall backward but catch myself. I hadn't eaten anything bad... I think. 

Opening the door I come face to face with a very concerned looking Raya, "You okay?"

"Yeah, that smell was just messing with my senses."

Raya chuckled wrapping her arm around me, "You have always hated Potato soup, so I'm not surprised."

"Yeah...Let's just get back to work," I said grabbing her handle gently but she stood frozen, "Raya?"

Looking in the direction she was my smile fell off of my face, Eddie was standing there. Glaring at him I yank Raya along with me, "Come on Raya,"

"I can't"

"You can, you don't need that asshole." 

Raya sighed before beginning to follow me slowly, we looked straight ahead totally blanking him, "Wait, Raya, I just need-"

"Back the hell off Eddie," I said pushing her behind me, "You don't get a minute, you don't get a second leave us alone."

Eddie looked down at me, "Look I know what I did, I mean what Zayn and I-"

"What are you here for round two?" I snap at him venom laced in my tone, "Are you here for another bet to see if they come back to you begging?"

Raya looked away from him as he desperately tried to make eye contact with her, "Do us favor both of you and fuck off."

Without letting him respond I tried to drag her off with me but he caught her wrist. "Please just hear me out," 

Raya snatched her hand out of his, "I don't think you heard her clearly, so I'll repeat it," She said through gritted teeth, "Fuck off,"

Eddie stood there stunned, as Raya fumed with anger, this time dragging me with her. 


"Don't I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just want him gone okay?"

Sighing I nodded turning back to my work, I groaned the smell of the potatoes was getting to me again. This had never happened to me before, of course I hated potato soup but it was never this bad that I couldn't stand it. 

"Raya, is the soup almost done?"

She looked back at me, "Yeah, just about to take it off the stove."

Nodding I continue on to do what I was doing.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I rubbed my forehead trying to ease the heachache I had coming on from getting bitched at by Layla almost every day, and Annie had joined in a couple of days ago. 

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