Royal Trouble (8)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"Ah, there they are." King Noah said walking over to us before grabbing our hands and pulling us towards the two boys standing there without a partner. Zayn and Eddie. "I got Bella and Raya to come in for today since the other girls couldn't make it."

Zayn smirked at me, "Sounds good," I rolled my eyes at him taking my hand out of Uncle Noah's gently.

"Behave Zayn," He said before walking away, "Alright everyone we will start with the dance first,"

Everyone grabbed their partners, Eddie grabbed Raya's hand immediately as Zayn did with mine pulling me in close, "Isn't this a lovely coincidence." He said reeling me in closer if possible.

"Please, you probably told them not to come to annoy me." I grumbled pushing him away a little to give myself some space, "And stay away from me a little."

He narrowed his eyebrows at me, "What do you think I do all day sit in my room and plan how to get your attention?"

Tilting my head I look up at him, "Is that not what you do?" I said pretending to be shocked, "Am I wrong?"

Zayn glared at me, "My world doesn't revolve around you, Ellie,"

"It seems like it, calling me up to your room every day, coming into the kitchen to put your own dishes away, dancing with me, touching me at any opportunity you have. Sounds like you have a little crush on me." I said moving along with him

Rolling his eyes at me he pulled me in close, so close that his lips were almost about to brush over mine, "I just need a taste, that's all."

"E-Excuse me?"

"One night, one taste, that's all I need, and this so-called crush you think I have on you will be gone."

Bringing his thumb up to my lips gently caressing them he closed his eyes panicking I stomp on his foot, his eyes shot open groaning he let me go. "What do you think I am?!" I said slightly raising my voice, "How could you mhm-" He covered my mouth with his hand bringing me closer to him again so it looked like we were dancing still.

"Shut up," He hissed gripping my face, squeezing my eyes shut I tried not to panic but I felt my body freeze

"Shut up, Bitch..." He said gripping onto my waist tightly with one hand and another my mouth, "Don't make to much noise someone will find us."

Shaking my head, I tried to shake Zayn off but he kept his grip,

"I said stop moving," I screamed into his hand, as he began to pull down my pants

Biting down on Zayn's hand praying he would let go before another panic attack kicked in. Hissing he pushed me away roughly making me stumble away from him a bit as he inspected his hand.

"Zayn!" Eddie said quietly catching me with one hand while one was still holding Raya, as I was about to fall, "What are you doing?"

"This psycho bit my hand," He said quietly trying not to catch anyone's attention.

"Bella?" Eddie whispered turning me around,

"He wasn't letting go of me, he had his hand over my mouth."

"Because you were screaming," Zayn shot back

"Tell them what you were saying to me then," I snap at him instantly shutting him up.

"Guys!" Raya said cutting in, "Stop acting like kids and participate in the dance rehearsal."

Roughly putting his hand out for me to grab it Zayn looked away from me, rolling my eyes I grab it and begin dancing with him again. "You didn't have to overreact Ellie,"

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