Royal Trouble (38)

39 4 0

Zayn's P.O.V.

Groaning I woke up with a horrible headache. I looked around the room and there were bottles everywhere, where the hell is Ellie? What did I say to her last night?

Stumbling I walked over to the bathroom I quickly splashed some water over my face before running down to the main floor where Ellie and the kids were standing with Raya begging them not to go.

What the fuck?

Rushing over to them I grabbed onto the handle of one of the suitcases, "Where do you think you are going?"

Ellie glared at me, "Away from you." She snapped.

"Not with my kids." I snapped back, "Ellie who gave you the right-"

"Fuck off," She yelled at me, "I am so tired of playing this game with you Zayn, one second you disown them, and then the other second they are suddenly your kids."

Confused, "When did I?"

"Last night." Raya grabbed the kids from her leaving the room to give us space.

"I want you gone."

"Where the hell am I suppose to go?" She snapped at me, "Huh? Where the fuck am I suppose to go!"

"I was drunk Ellie,"

She glared looking up at me, "Whatever," She grumbled trying to get the suitcase out of my grip, the headache I head was killing my head and all this was just adding on too it. 

I stepped forward to touch her but she flinched backing away, "Arabella," I said firmly, "I am telling you now."

"I don't give a living shit about what you are saying now." Quickly lunging forward I caught her as she struggled in my arms. "Let me go! Let me go!" She screeched.

Carrying her upstairs to our room stopping the rest of the palace from seeing us argue I dropped her on the bed she quickly scrambled away from me backing herself to the headboard.

"I don't remember anything from last night, Ellie, could you just give me one second to remember."

Ellie looked at me hurt, "You don't remember anything?"

"No, I just woke up with a splitting headache and then saw you leaving seriously Ellie I was drunk I say, and do fucked up things that do not mean you leave with my kids without my permission," I said holding onto my head.

"Wait, you seriously don't-"

"No," I snapped at her. "No, I don't remember anything." I did actually I was just trying to see if she would say it again if she would say that she loved me again.

Ellie slides off of the bed trying to slip past me to the door but I grabbed onto her waist dropping her on the dresser in front of me, leaning forward. "Why is there something I'm supposed to remember?"

She looked away from me her anger had toned down a lot, she was hiding something, "Ellie-"

"No, nothing important." Pulling her face towards me gently I lean in hearing her breath hitch, "Stop." She whispered, "I-I am mad at you and-"

"You love me," I whispered back to her.

Ellie looked back at me shocked, "H-How,"

"Suprise," I said nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck, "Do you really think, that I would forget you telling me that you love me?"


"You never really gave me a chance to respond last night."

"Zayn..." Ellie was about to push me away but I grabbed her hands.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to her, "Look you have to understand that I just found out who killed Sahara, and knowing that you were there messed with me. I need you, Ellie, I need our kids, I swear if you leave I will go crazy."

Ellie watched me carefully, "I know you can't forgive me, I know I have hurt you endlessly but please don't take them away. I was drunk, I know that's not an excuse, I saw the bruises I left on you, but I swear I will never ever lay a hand on you ever again."

"How am I suppose to trust you Zayn?"

Licking my lips I sighed, "We'll figure it out day by day Ellie. I-I promise this time, there are no games, no lies, just the truth. Maybe it is time that I focused on what I have,"

"And what is that?"

Gently smiling at her I peck her lips, "My family, you...Nala...Bray...and maybe a couple of more members."

Ellie giggled gently slapping my chest, "Shut up,"



"Will you give one last chance please?"

"One last chance."

Smiling I peck her nose gently, "Oh yeah I forgot..."


"I love you too."

This time I wasn't going to screw up, this time I wasn't going to push her away, this time I was going to stay here with my family, I am not going to lose it again. Never again.

Looking at her slightly tilting my head I say, " Anything for my family."

I don't know what I said to her, what I did to her, I was way to drink to remember, but I lost my family once, not again. Never again.

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