Royal Trouble (32)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"Sh, it's okay..." A voice whispered, "Nala, you have to be quiet." 

Ignoring it I snuggled back into my bed, wait a minute...opening my eyes slowly I looked around, I was in our room. "Nala..." Turning to the side I see Zayn rocking Nala gently as she squirmed in his arms ready to cry. 

Sighing I got up stretching, "She's probably hungry," I said surprising Zayn, he looked at me and then down at her. 

"Oh," He said walking towards me with her, "Here then," Grabbing Nala from him I grab a small blanket to cover myself up letting Nala feed, looking away from him I don't say anything. 

"Bray is with mom, she heard him cry but you were sleeping really peaceful so she took him and yelled at me to look after her."

I mean she is your daughter, she shouldn't have to tell you, I wanted to say but I just nodded, "How did I get here?"

Zayn sat down beside me, "I brought you here, the chair looked really uncomfortable."

"Thank you," Biting my lip I slowly pull away as she fell asleep again, "Do you mind bringing Bray in too? He's probably starving..."

"No need I brought him here myself," Miles said gently rocking him, "He was driving mum crazy with all his screaming and crying so I took it upon myself to bring him here while she changed Addie's diaper."

I chuckled handing Nala to Zayn and grabbing Bray, "He is the fussy one out of the two. Nala doesnt cry as much." I said covering myself up again. 

Miles smiled down at Nala, "She is such a cute little girl," Nala giggled as soon as he said let wrapping his little hands around his finger, "Good thing she looks nothing like Zayn,"

Zayn looked down at her too with a blank face, I wanted to know what was going on in his mind, why he would smile down at them, why he wouldn't give them attention, why he couldn't love them. 

"Yeah, a good thing." He whispered, "Her eyes are stunning,"

"You two make some pretty good looking babies," He said, the room went quiet. 

My face turned blood red from embarrassment as Zayn just smirked, "Yeah, the baby-making process we do pretty good to right Ellie?"

Glaring at him I shake my head trying to get out of this conversation. Miles looked back and forth between us, "You two planning for more kids?"



Zayn and I said at the same time,

Clenching my jaw, "No, I don't want to go through that kind of pain again, it feels like you are being ripped open. So no we are not having more kids."

"But I want two more," Zayn said looking over at me.

"Boo Hoo, my body, my choice," I snapped at him. Why does he want more kids when the kids he already has he doesnt care for. "Not going to happen."

Just as he was about to shoot something back at me Tessa and Noah stepped in holding clothes for all of us. Except for Miles, of course.

Tessa came in smiling looking down at the two, "This little one is very naughty," She said tickling Bray's stomach.

I chuckled, "Yes he is."

Noah grabbed Nala from Zayn. "Hey baby girl," He said rocking her, "Hi,"

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