Royal Trouble (33)

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Arabella's P.O.V

Stepping out of the room dragging the gown behind me I had Nala in my arms as Zayn had Bray, we walked out in front of a huge crow waiting for our arrival since we were basically King and Queen. Taking a deep breath I had Nala over to Raya, Bray to Eddie and we sit down on our seats.

Forcing a smile on my face I look over at Zayn, he had a smirk on his face ignoring him I sigh looking out at the crowd. Raya was smiling talking to Nala who was giggling in her arms, I wanted to be in bed and just- What the hell? I jump feeling Zayn's hand on my thigh. Shocked I look at him, "Zayn, stop." I whispered to him.

He ignored me trailing his hand higher brushing his fingers against my inner though making me shudder, "Seriously Zayn," I whispered again slamming my hand over his, "This is highly inappropriate"

Brushing my hand off of his he looked over at me, "Shut up and enjoy it." He whispered back clenching my jaw I slapped his hand again.

"Off now,"

He rolled his eyes placing his hand on my knee, "Boring," He said but he kept it there.

Noah stood up smiling, "Welcome everyone, tonight is a very special night because I will be announcing two very very important things. One is we are welcoming three new members of the Royal family, Zayn and Arabella's kids, Brazen and Nylah, Miles, and Layla's daughter, Audrey. The other one is Zayn and Arabella's engagement."

Everyone in the crowd began cheering raising their glasses in the air, " To the Future King and Queen."

Zayn chuckled removing his hand off of me standing up he pulled out a ring reaching out for my hand, I stood up as well giving him my hand reluctantly, I watched him put the ring on my finger. 

Tessa handed me Zayn's ring gesturing me to do the same for him, clenching my jaw I put the ring on his finer, looking down I have this restlessness in my chest, I didn't want to get married to him. I wanted to get married to someone who I actually loved, not just because I had his kids. 

"Now for the dance," Noah said nodding for us to go down onto the dance floor, looking over at Raya I see her eyes filled with tears of happiness forcing a smile on my face I look at her shaking my head, telling her not to cry.

Zayn pulled me close as the music began to play, "Would it kill you to smile?" He whispered in my ear, rolling my eyes at him I move my hands to wrap around his neck. 

"Why would I smile?" I whispered back 

"We can't let the people know we aren't happy, it causes a stir,"

"Whatever," I sighed resting my head against his chest, "I didn't exactly sign up for this,"

I felt him chuckle as his chest moved up and down, "I didn't either,"

Lifting my head up I looked up at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

He lifted his hand off of my waist brushing a couple of hairs away from my face gently, "Just because I was born into royalty doesnt mean I automatically wanted to be King, I never wanted to be one. I always thought Miles was a better fit for ruling, but dad being dad wanted his firstborn to be King,"

"Mm, so does that mean the throne with automatically be Brazen's?"

Zayn shrugged, "Depends, I mean I won't force it on him as Dad did with me, if we have another son and he seems better fit Ill give it to him or maybe if Miles has a son, he'll get it."

"I thought it doesnt work that way,"

"The system needs a change," He said smirking down at me, "You didn't argue against having another kid."

Giving him a blank look I shake my head, "I don't want any more kids Zayn, you have a boy and girl what more do you want?"

Zayn pulled me in close, so close that our lips were inches apart, "Maybe it's not the kids I want..."

"W-What?" I stuttered

Biting his lip he looked down at mine, "Maybe it's you I want, actually crave."

"I thought you said you only need one taste,"

"I could taste you over, and over, and over again Queenie and still come back for seconds." Zayn whispered seductively licking his lips he pecked my lips gently, "What do you say?"

Letting out a shaky breath I try to look away from him but he gently grabs my face gently making me look into his eyes, "N-no,"

He smirked looking down at me, "You don't sound so sure,"

"No," I said firmly,

"Two weeks Queenie, and Ill have you begging for my touch, that's a promise."

Rolling my eyes I step away from as the song finished, "Yeah? And how are you going to get me to beg for your touch?" I said challenging him

He tilted his head to the side a little, "You'll see." My heart began to beat faster as he grabbed my hand, "But for now I have people to introduce you too."

Gripping his hand tighter we walked around the room receiving may happy wishes from everyone, smiling, hugging, shaking everyone's hands. It felt good to know everyone cared so much, sighing we finally got to sit back down in our seats. Looking over at Raya I give her a big hug and grab Nala, "Hey baby," She giggled looking up at me, "It's loud huh?"

Zayn looked over at us smiling tickling her belly, "Hey baby girl, hey sweetie," He cooed setting his chin on my shoulder for a better view of her. "Where are her ear muffs?" 

"Raya took them off because she was being fussy about them."

Eddie brought Bray over handing him to Zayn, Bray was fast asleep while Nala was ready to play for another hour or so. Zayn sighed looking down at him, "We do make pretty good looking kids."

Gently hitting his arm, I look down at both of them, "Yeah, I guess we do."

After the party we headed back up to our room exhausted, the twins were completely exhausted as well they were sleeping peacefully in their cribs in the nursery along with Addie. Groaning I layed down on the bed waiting for Zayn to come out of the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he came out of the shower, his hair still has some water droplets dripping off of it, damn he looked so good. Biting my lip I didn't say anything to him, scared of what might come out of my mouth. Shyly walking past him I went to go to the bathroom but he stopped me, "What?" I said looking up at him. 

Zayn looked down at him smirking, "You know you could have just joined me, it would have saved water."

My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? Why do you think I would want to shower with you?"

He shrugged, "Your loss, I'm great in the shower, ask any girl in the palace." 

Glaring at him I shake his grip off of me, "Why don't you ask one of them to come and join you then?"

Stomping Into the bathroom I slammed the door shut, "Jealousy doesnt suit you Queenie." He said chuckling through the door.

"I am not jealous!" I huffed before stripping and stepping into the shower. 

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