Royal Trouble (27)

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Arabella's P.O.V

"Raya, I am so bored," I whined sitting in the kitchen bothering her, Zayn had  Eddie watching over me all day it was so annoying, "Can I help you a little?"

Raya chuckled, "No, I don't want to get in trouble,"

Eddie smiled looking at me, "Bella instead of annoying Raya why don't we go out for a walk or something,"

Rolling my eyes at him I point to my belly, "Does it look like I can walk?" It had been a full four months now and my stomach had inflated a little more than usual. 

"I can carry you,"

"Don't even think about it," I said putting my hand up, "I will throw up on you."

Eddie got a message looking up at me he smirked, "You can make your future hubby some coffee,"

Glaring at him I flipped him off, "Don't call him that," Jumping off of the counter I made my way over to the coffee maker and made him some including a sandwich, he hadn't eaten anything since the morning. "Here,"

He shook his head not grabbing the tray, "You go up,"

Giving him a bored look I walked around him all the way to his office, Drew let me in immediately, "Seriously Zayn? Why couldn't Eddie just bring it?"

"Hello to you too," He said turning his chair around to face me, "Is that a sandwich?"

Biting my lip I place the tray in front of him, "Yes, you haven't eaten anything so I thought you would be hungry."

Smirking he took a bite out of it, "You worried about me?"


"It sounds like it."

"I am not worried about you, I just bought a stupid sandwich up stop bugging me about it." I snapped at him before groaning as I felt a kick. 

"What?" Zayn asked as he took a sip from his coffee,

Leaning back in the chair, "He kicked,"

"How long has he been doing that?"

"About a week." I responded closing my eyes, "He's literally beating my insides black and blue."

"Are you tired?"

Sighing I don't respond because I had finally found a good position to sit in and if I moved I will be so mad. "Ellie,"


"Did you not sleep well?"

"No, because I couldn't find the right position, also because I had to throw up a couple of times, and the other times I had to pee."

"You can't sleep in here," Zayn said chuckling

"Please? Finally, I found a comfortable spot."

"You are going to be sore when you wake up."

"So, why do you care?" I said groaning as he kicked again,

Suddenly I felt myself being picked up I panicked grabbing onto the closet thing, "Sh, it's just me."

Opening my eyes I looked at him, "Where are you taking me?"

"My room,"


"Just take a nap in there," He said opening the door with one arm while the other one held me up. Laying me on the bed he was about to step away until his gaze got stuck on my belly. "Can I..."

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