Royal Trouble (21)

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Arabella's P.O.V. (1 Week Later)

Rolling out of bed I walk over to the bathroom and turn on the shower turning it to the cold side trying to cool down. This baby is causing so much pain, I throw up all day, my body was on fire all night, sore... I tried to be as quiet as possible so I don't annoy Raya. 

Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the bathroom,  wrapping a robe around me and layed in bed lazy to put some clothes on. I scrolled on my phone for a bit until an urge for peanut butter, strolling into the kitchen I look around in the cupboards but we didnt have any. The Palace Kitchen might have some, leaving a note for Raya I stepped out of our small apartment and walked into the Palace, we had a connecting inside bridge to it. 

Stretching I walked into the kitchen tightening my robe around my body I searched around for some peanut butter. 

"Now this isn't something I thought I would see at 2:00 in the morning," A voice said startling me making me turn around quickly leaning against the counter. Zayn was standing there smirking. 

Rolling my eyes I took my hand off of my chest where my heart was beating like crazy, "Don't sneak up on me like that." I said before leaning down again looking for what I came for. 

Zayn came to stand beside me, "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Ignoring him I step around him looking in the fridge aha, peanut butter, taking it out of the fridge I went to go walk around him but he pulled me back, "Seriously, you  came here for Peanut Butter,"

Taking my hand out of his grip I tried to walk away from him quietly but he wasn't having it, grabbing me he roughly pushed me against the counter, "Don't ignore me."

I hissed from the impact of the conuter, he immediately loosens his grip, "Shit,"

Looking up glaring at him, "You have no business in what I do, okay? I don't need to teel you anything. I was craving it so I came looking for it now let me go."

"In your robe?"

"I just took a shower," 

"At 2 in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep okay?" I snapped at him getting frustrated with him asking so many questions, "Let me go Zayn," I didn't want to struggle against him, I didn't want to hurt the baby in any way.

He smirked pulling the side of my robe down a little exposing my shoulder, "I could have helped with that."

Looking at him in disgust I pushed him away but he didn't budge, "I am never going to sleep with you again so you keep your ideas to yourself. Seriously get off of me."

Zayn backed away hitting his back against the island giving me space to leave, rolling my eyes at him I went to go walk away but he stopped me again to my annoyance. "Wait, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"Well I don't want to talj to you about anything," I said walking away from him, "I dont like what comes out of your mouth anyways."

"It's not about us," Zayn said turning around to face me but not grabbing me, "It's not about that thing in your stomach either."

Does he mean the baby? Is it so hard for him to say it?

Sighing I look back at him and say  "Whatever it is Zayn, I don't care."

"What if I say it's about Raya?"

Looking at him confused I ask, "What about her?"

"Eddie really wants another chance, but Raya won't give him the time of day. We both know how happy they were together, so if you know you could help out a little."

"Eddie knew what he was doing, he's a grown-ass man. He doesnt need my help, beside Raya isn't going to listen to me if I say anything to her. She's too hurt to look past it." 

Zayn sighed jumping off of the island, "Just give him ten minutes,"

Raising my eyebrow at him, I look down at my Peanut Butter Jar wanting to eat it, "I'll see what I can do, now Im going."

"What you're not going to share it?"

"No, it's for me and my baby." His smirk dropped as soon as I mention it, "So now if you will excuse me, King, I have some important business attend too."

Smirking I pat his chest a little before I walk about opening the jar I lick some of it off my finger making me moan. Finally, I got some Peanut Butter.

Zayn's P.O.V. (Next Morning)

"Son I have given you enough time to think about marriage." Dad said sitting down in front of me, "You have to find a queen before the people start asking if there is going to be an heir to the throne or not."

Rubbing my forehead roughly I look away from him, "Dad seriously, I have had this conversation with you over and over again, I am not getting married."

"Do you no think it is time to get over her Zayn?" Dad said leaning forward as I was about to get up. 

"Haha, Zay stop," She giggled as I ticked her stomach

"Do you not think she would want you to be happy? It's been three years Zayn." He went on 

"I am going to pee," She squealed in my ear trying to stop me

Squeezing my eye shut I tried to savor her memories in my mind. "Dad, Miles is having a child, his kid can come after me or whatever he wants."

"That not how it works and you know that."

"I don't care!!" I said abruptly getting up slamming my hands against my desk, "I promised her, I promised her that I wouldn't love anyone else as much as I loved her."

"I love you," She whispered in my ear

"You have to move on Zayn, a month is all I can give you before I take matters in my hands. One month Zayn."

"I will love you forever," She continued on, "Even after death, I will watch over you forever Zay."

One month? Groaning I sit back down in my seat, A Broken King for a Broken Queen. 

Sahara Brooklyn, my love. 

Author's Note:

How are you guys liking the story so far?

I know Zayn has been a bit of an ass but now we can see why, and what causes him to close up at the question of marriage.

He's a little broken, and so is she...

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