Royal Trouble (16)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"You guys want to go out tonight?" Annie said resting her head on my lap as we all relaxed in our little apartment. "I mean like a club,"

Raising an eyebrow at her I look down, "Why do you want to go to a club?"

"Come on its fun, you get to dance, you to be free for a night, no responsibilites, no restrictions you can just be you." Annie said sitting up looking at me hopefully, "We dont have to drink."

Raya walked out of the bathroom, "It's not a bad idea,"

I gave them a bored look, "Do you seriously think Eddie would let either of you go out? Have you seen the time? Its 10:30 pm,"

Raya rolled her eyes at me before texting Eddie probably and then waved it in my face, "No problem,"

"He said he's coming with us,"

Annie groaned, "Raya..."

"What?" She said confused 

"She wanted to go alone Raya, not with an overprotective escort," I said bluntly,

"Oh... so is it bad if I say Zayn is coming too?"

"That's worse Raya!" Annie said getting off of the bed before shaking her gently, "What is wrong with you? You ruined girls night out."

"I can just say that they can't come its not a big-"

"Too late," Eddie said barging into the apartment with Zayn lazily trailing behind him. He looked over at us, "Why are you three not ready yet?"

Annie and I looked at each other huffing before I got off the bed brushing past them, dragging the two behind me into the closet.

"Raya, you are so naive," I whispered to her before grabbing a dress out for me as Annie did the same. 

"Sorry, I promise I won't tell him next time we are going out." She whispered back grabbing a dress too. 

I grabbed a tight neon yellow dress, pairing it with some gold accessories, gold heels, and left my hair down with light makeup.

Annie grabbed a simple red dress pairing it with silver jewelry and glass heels, leaving her hair down, and doing minimal makeup

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Annie grabbed a simple red dress pairing it with silver jewelry and glass heels, leaving her hair down, and doing minimal makeup.

Annie grabbed a simple red dress pairing it with silver jewelry and glass heels, leaving her hair down, and doing minimal makeup

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