Royal Trouble (20)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Rushing into the bathroom again, I empty everything in the toilet, groaning feeling weak I stay on my knees as I hear Raya come behind me grabbing my hair gently brushing them back. "Bella stop being stubborn and go to the doctors. Its almost been a week since you've been throwing up, you even had a fever last night." Raya said rubbing my back trying to soothe the burning sensation I had going through my body.

She was right, I had to stop avoiding going to the hospital. Sighing I got up stumbling a bit as everything fuzzed up, "Woah,"


"I know, I'm going right now, just let me freshen up a bit,"  I said gently shaking off her grip, washing my face I brush my teeth, and kind of put myself together. "I'm going now, "

"I'll come with you," She said, 

"No, I'll be fine. I promise I'll tell you everything as soon as I get back,"

Raya looked hesitant but nodded, "Tell me everything,"

Smiling at her I walked out of the gates and stepped into a Taxi, "Hospital, please."

The taxi man nodded before driving off, the last time I was in the hospital, was when mom had passed away and... God, I hated them. I hated the smell, the hated what happened there, I just couldn't stand hospitals. 

In a couple of minutes, the driver stopped the car, " $15.50,"

Paying the driver I stepped out and into the hospital giving the needed information to the front desk lady I sat down, my heart was beating out of my chest. Hospitals brought out so many bad memories. Taking in a deep breath I waited and waited until my name was called, "Arabella Clay,"

Getting up I smile at the doctor as I went into the small room, "Hello Arabella, I'm Dr. Stone, what is the problem?"

"Hey, Bella is just fine. Um, I have been throwing up a lot lately and I had a couple of fevers at night and at random times I get these really intense craving like last night all I wanted to be some cheese pizza with extra cheese but everything was shit. I didn't sleep at night at all. Also, I have really restlessness nights for maybe the past two weeks."

The doctor looked at me weird, "Right Bella, we just need some blood work and see what's going on with you."

"Thank you,"

Dr. Stone nodded before turning away to go attend other patients, had I said too much? 

He came back a couple of minutes later with another nurse with the blood test kit, squeezing my eyes shut I let them do their jobs as I heard Doctor chuckle I opened my eyes, "Don't like needled huh?"

Letting out a breath I shake my head, "Hate them,"

"Well you did well, in an hour your test results will be in and then well see what s going on."

I nodded, "Until then please wait outside in the waiting room the head nurse will tell you the test results."

Stepping outside I say, "Thank you,"

Sitting bored for an hour I just played games on my phone until I heard my name be called again, "Arabella Clay?"

"That's me," I said stepping up leaning again the counter,

The nurse looked up at me smiling, "Good news Ms. Clay, you are going to be a mom."

My mind drew a blank, "I-I'm sorry?"

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