Royal Trouble (37)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

I stood there shocked looking down at Evan's lifeless body being carried away by the guards, he just...Zayn just killed someone.

Eddie came over to me gently shaking me, "Bella?"

"Oh My God," I whispered, "He just...Did I just..." My brain felt like it was about to explode. 

"Bella, all Kings have killed people, whether they were assholes like Evan or simple cellmates. It's a normal-"

"Normal?" I said cutting him off, "How is shooting someone straight in the head normal?"

"Bella, he deserved it." Eddie snapped, "He killed someone, he raped you and he committed treason with the Kingdom. If Zayn hadn't killed him, he would have rotted in his cell all his life."

Shaking my head I stepped away from him, "I'm going to go upstairs."

"Do you feel bad Bella?" Eddie asked tilting his head to the side, "Do you feel bad that he was killed?"

Shocked I looked up at him, "How could you ask me that?"

"The way you are reacting it looks like you wanted him to live," He said monotoned.

"Fuck you," I hiss at him, "I hate him with every fiber of my being, he took something from me I could never get back, he abused me every day and you are asking me if I felt bad for him?"

"Then why are you overreacting?"

"Because I just watched someone get murder!" I said throwing my hands up in the air out of frustration.

"Wouldnt be the first time would it?" I took a step back as if his words hit me physically

"How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't know that it was Sahara. We didn't even talk to each other until 10 months ago. How was I supposed to know who she was? What she was to Zayn?"

"That drawing?"

"I wanted him off my back," 

Eddie just gave me a blank look, "Go upstairs Bella,"


"Go upstairs Bella," He said firmly not looking at me.

Groaning I stormed upstairs to the kids, changing their clothes overthinking everything, did Eddie not believe me? 

"Hey Bella," Raya came into our nursery skipping, she was beaming with joy, "What's up?"

Forcing a smile on my face I look at her, "Nothing just mom duties," She chuckled, Raya was hiding something behind her back, "What's that?" I said nodding my head in the direction of her hidden hand. 

Biting her lip she pulled out a pregnancy test handing it to me my eyes widen in shock, "Oh My God," I screamed in joy, "I am so happy for you!"

Giggling she pulled me into a hug, "Me too, our kids are going to be best friends,"


Sighing I pulled out of the hug, "Does Eddie know?"

Raya shook her head, "No, not yet, I am just waiting for him to come upstairs so I can tell him."

Smiling I shoved her lightly, "Don't be nervous, he's going to be so happy,"

"Yeah, I've seen him with Addie, Bray, and Nala, he loves them so much. Just last night he-"

"There you are you, dumb bitch," Zayn said aggressively stumbling into the nursery, our smiles were wiped off of our faces right away. He was drunk. 

Raya glared at him, "Excuse me do you know who you are talking to-"

"Shut Up Raya," He groaned, "I am talking to my wife not you," Zayn had this evil smirk on his face it made my stomach fill with anxiety, "Or should I say, Ex-Wife."

"What?" I whispered, 

"Ex-Wife," He chuckled stumbling over to me grabbing onto my shoulders, he reeked of alcohol he still had a bottle in his hand. Taking out a paper from his pocket, he shoved it in my hand, "Open it."

I stood there frozen, slowly opening the paper I look down at it, it was the sketch of Evan, the description I gave. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"A memory of him," He said roughly shoving me, "What you don't want it? I mean he is dead, your boyfriend."

"Ex." I snapped at him, "Ex-Boyfriend who you are forgetting raped me. Why would I want a memory of him Zayn?"

Zayn chuckled looking at me blankly, emotionlessly, "Why did you tell me about Sahara? Why wouldn't you tell me about him then?"

Frustrated I glared at him, "Like I had said before I had no idea who she was, I didn't know who she was to you, or if she was the one that was murdered by him if I knew I would tell you. Why can't you get that through your thick head."

Raya looked back and forth between us before shaking her head and leaving the room with the kids, "Sort your shit out," She said before leaving the room.

As soon as she left Zayn grabbed me again shoving me against a wall causing me to flinch, "I want you gone."

"Where the hell am I suppose to go?" I snapped at him, "Huh? Where the fuck am I suppose to go!"

Grabbing my neck he squeezes it gently, "Don't talk to me like that Arabella, you won't like the consequences." 

Not showing him that I was scared I put my hand on his hands staring into his eyes, "Or what?"

He looked down at me evilly, "You wouldn't want to know." He said through gritted teeth before loosening his grip on my throat.

"Fine, I'll take the kids and leave but know this Zayn once I'm out those doors I am never coming back here. I am done with you treating me like complete and utter shit. I didn't know anything about Sahara," I said struggling in his grip, "I didn't know who she was, I didn't know who she was to you, or if she was pregnant and if I had known I would have told you!!"

"I lost my family!"

"Wake up Zayn!" I said exhausted done with going back and forth with him, "You have another one, you have one waiting for you to accept them. Me, Nylah, and Brazen! You are about to lose another one if only you could see what you have in front of you."

"Nothing with replacing Sahara and Ace."

"I'm not saying that we will replace them. Do you think I have forgotten about my unborn daughter? Do you not think that every time I look down at Nala I wonder what she would have looked like? I had a family too, my daughter and I but here I am Zayn stuck with you!"

"Then leave," Zayn said through gritted teeth. 

"I can't!" Finally managing to push him away I slip out of his grip walking a good distance away from him. "I can't!"

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I love you!" I blurted out, "I fucking love you! After all the shit you put me through I still love you. I saw the way you looked down at our kids, the way you held them, the way you played with them, the way you would look at me, proud  and full of innocence. I fell in love with you somewhere along the line and now I can't bring myself to leave you!"

Zayn looked at me stunned, time had stopped my breath was coming out in pants, looking away from him I stared down at the ground feeling myself tear up I storm away from him, out of his room, feeling a piece of my heartbreak... he didn't say it back. 

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