Chapter Fifteen

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"So, your mom told me you're a remote assistant, how's that?" Link asks. The two sitting down in the living room after dinner, Juliane setting the wine bottle on the coffee table as Link starts a fire.

"Virtual Assistant," she corrects, sitting down. "I'm pretty much a self-employed administrative assistant for a few Fortune 500 companies and about five small companies."

"Impressive," he nods. "So you can work from anywhere in the world then?"

"Yeah pretty much. I basically work on a as need basis."

"Sounds like a great job to me."

"It is," she nods once more. "I like that I can make my own hours and like for instance, my whole time here, I informed my clients that I will be on vacation so they go to their other assistant. There is normally one main one and then like people under me that take over when I'm not available."

"Wow," he nods, taking another sip. "So you could leave and travel the world and just work here and there?"

"Yep, pretty much anywhere with WiFi basically."

"That would certainly be a tough opportunity to pass up."

"Yeah and at the time I was offered or thought about it was a good opportunity so I took it because of the situation."

"Your mom told me. I went to drop something off one day when she was upset and I sat with her until she relaxed a bit. "I'm sorry, I honestly couldn't imagine."

"My mom sure has a loud mouth," Juliane chuckles.

"She had just found something that I guess she had gotten for the baby," he shrugs. "I've experienced some loss before and didn't want to leave her alone and she ended up telling me what happened."

Juliane nods, keeping silent.

Link steers the conversation away. "So, I was very pleasantly surprised when I had gotten a very interesting picture earlier from someone," Link smirks, talking about the risqué picture she sent him earlier in the day.

"Yeah, that was probably inappropriate to do."

"Did it feel like it was inappropriate?"

"A little bit," Juliane laughs. "I'm married, sending a provocative picture to another man. That's frowned upon," she smirks, finishing her wine. "One more glass?"

"Whatever you want," he nods, standing up and retrieving the bottle before walking back in. "Cheers," he smiles after refiling, the two clinking glasses.

The moment is cut short as Éliane storms in, rambling off in what Juliane believes is French. Once she sees Juliane, she stops dead and clears her throat.

"Juliane, hey. I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, hey. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything. I forgot Link told me that you would be coming over."

"It's okay, no biggie."

"I'll come back by tomorrow," Éliane smiles. She tells Juliane goodnight and walks back out.

"That was weird. Was she speaking French?" Juliane looks over at Link.

"Yeah, she does that sometimes. Would you like to go for a walk?"

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