Chapter Forty-Four

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"Is there a lot of people out there?" Juliane asks, getting her makeup done.

"Yeah," Breanna says, looking out the window. "Damn, did you guys invite every person you've ever met?"

"I told Link to invite whoever."

"Well he did and he's saying hi to every single one of them," Breanna laughs, watching Link.

There's a knock on the door as it opens, Trevor poking his head in. "Can I come in?"

Juliane nods as Breanna lets him in. "Hey," she smiles.

"Hey, you look amazing," he nods. "I was asked to bring you this," he says, holding out an envelope, "and I just wanted to let you know that I'm really happy to see how happy you are. I hope I can find something like what you and Link have."

"Thank you," she nods, taking the envelope.

"I'll leave you to it," he smiles, turning and leaving her. The front of the envelope has her name on it, recognizing Link's handwriting.

"Don't tell me Mr. Romance wrote you a letter," Breanna looks over.

"Hey Trev?" she looks up at her ex-husband.

"Yeah?" he turns.

She wraps her arms around him and squeezes before kissing his cheek and pulling away. "I know this might seem a little weird but would you want to walk with me and my dad?"

"I would be honored too," he nods.

"Good," she smiles, hugging him once more. Trevor walking out to her dad.

She opens the envelope:

"Juliane, I think you didn't want us writing our own vows because I would be too corny for you, but I couldn't marry you without being at least a bit corny so here it goes. The first time I saw you at the restaurant with your mom, I knew that I wanted to know you. You were beautiful and broken and I wanted to save you. Then, as I had gotten to know you, I knew that I needed you to save me and to spend every morning making you breakfast and coffee and spend every night doing anything with you. As I got to know you more and found what a strong, kind, intelligent woman you were, you were all I could think about. When I was shot, all I could think about was how I would never get to call you my wife and the mother of my children and I knew then that you were a part of me, no matter what happened. I love you more every day than I did the day before. You amaze me and you own me; body and soul and I can't wait for us to spend the rest of our crazy and unpredictable lives together.

--- love, your husband Lincoln."

"You're going to have to do makeup again," Juliane laughs, wiping her eyes.

"Let's get you ready so you can marry this guy already," her mom smiles, fixing her daughter's makeup. They finish up and make their way toward the barn, the music playing as the groomsmen and bridesmaid's walk out, Juliane standing in between her father and Trevor. The doors open, her arms loosely around Trevor's and her dad's as they talk amongst themselves as they walk down the aisle, a vibrant bouquet of purple and yellow flowers. When they get up to the officiant, her dad hugs Link followed by Trevor, shaking his hand.

"You look amazing," Link whispers, taking her hands.

"So do you."

They can't keep their eyes off each other as the ceremony begins, repeating what they need to repeat before getting their rings. Once saying the vows, they slide the rings on each other's fingers, both rings fitting perfectly. The officiant announces them man and wife, sealing the marriage with a kiss.

"Can I get everyone's attention real fast?" Juliane smiles into the mic, everyone sitting in the barn around oval tables. "Um I want to thank everybody for coming and making this night very very special. I'm up here even though I hate talking in front of all kinds of people, Link probably thinks I'm sick or something," she chuckles. "I'm standing up here for a reason," she smiles, turning and looking back at Link. "Lincoln Anderson, I love you and I wasn't going to tell you till we were alone, but I think everyone wants to know too so I got you this," Juliane takes a box from under the table and handing it to him.

He takes the box and opens it, taking out the baby onesie. The onesie reading:





Link stands, sliding his hands on her neck and kissing her deeply. "I love you," he mumbles into her lips. Everyone a little confused.

"I love you too," she kisses him back. "Hold it up so everyone can see," she commands.

Sliding his arm around her waist, he holds up the onesie with his other hand. Everyone witnessing the exchange erupts in cheers. Everybody clapping and genuinely happy for the pair, even Trevor.

"I meant every word in the letter," he says, the pair sitting back down. Link slides his hand on her stomach. The people in the room getting back to their casual conversation.

"You saved me more than you'll ever know," she says softly, sliding her hand on top of his.

"Right back at you," he winks.

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