Chapter Forty-Seven

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They spend a couple of days together, sleeping under the stars. They have also done a lot of sightseeing and eating everything they can in Rome. They eventually make it to Columbia, flying into a little airport. They stay inside the old city for a few days, the walls around the city made from coral. Sightseeing keeps them busy once more and Link takes her shopping at the little stores in town. Hopping on a boat, they head to the island that they are going to be staying on. Link sits at the front of the boat, his arm around her. The water is crystal clear around them, fishing boats around. The guys on the boats, mostly catching fist with nets.

Stepping off the boat on the little island with a few little islands nearby, they can still see the shore in the distance on the mainland. The house they are staying in is located on a platform, a deck around the entire surface -- palm trees and birds inhabiting the area.

Juliane takes a few pictures. "This is gorgeous."

"I thought you might like it," he nods, bringing their bags inside. "So did I do good?" sliding his arms around Juliane from behind, kissing over her neck.

"Mm, you did good," she smiles.

"Good, now get your bathing suit on," he says, kissing her back.

Smiling, Juliane gives him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and disappearing into the bedroom. Link walks over to the kitchen, opening the fridge to retrieve a water, his phone vibrating on the marble countertops.

"Dan, I'm on my honeymoon, so no," Link smirks.

"Link she's gone," Dan comes over the device.

"Gone? Who's gone?" he asks confused.

"Éliane. She escaped during transport."

"How the hell did that happen?" Link practically shouts in the phone. Juliane poking her head out.

"Someone ambushed our transport team. They helped her get out. My men were killed. I'm not sure where she is. She's gone Link. I don't mean to ask you this because know you just got married and you're on your honeymoon but I need you here Link. We need to find this woman."

Link sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose -- silent.

"Link?" Dan says after a few seconds.

"Okay, fine," he says, grabbing a pad of paper and a pen. "What information do you have?" he asks, leaning over the counter, waiting for Dan to give the information. Hearing a sigh of relief leaving Dan's lips.

"We were transporting her to the State Prison and my men came up on a road block. Those men were posing as police. They ambushed my men. I only had one man survive and he saw them break Éliane out of the back of the van. We need to fucking find her Link!" Dan shouts into the phone.

"I'll get her. I think I might have an idea where she's at," Link looks up at Juliane who walks out of the kitchen.

"Get it done Link. Dead or alive. Just take this woman down."

Link pulls the phone away, the call ending as he sets it on the counter. His hands rubbing his eyes and along his face, looking down at the scribbles on the piece of paper.

"Éliane?" Juliane asks softly.

Link looks up. "Yeah, she managed to escape wen she was being transported to the State Prison."

"And you have to go get her?" she nods, sliding on the barstool.

Link nods. "Yes."

Juliane nods and looks away, looking out the window towards the crystal blue water.

"I'm so sorry. I promise I will make it up to you," Link says, sliding his hand in hers.

Juliane turns, making eye contact. "Oh I know you will but for right now, go get that bitch," she smiles.

A small smile forms on Link's lips, leaning in and kissing her deeply.

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