Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next couple days, both Éliane and Juliane spend the days traveling around, every time Juliane tries to get Éliane to tell her what's going on, she changes the subject, almost like she doesn't want to know anything. Getting back to the loft in London, Juliane hears a knock on the door. She stands up, walking to the door and seeing Trevor standing there, Link behind him. Trevor's arm in a sling and a black eye.

Her eyes instantly fill with tears as she wraps her arms around Trevor's neck. "Trevor..." she says, hugging him tight.

He matches her embrace.

"Are you okay? What happened to your arm?" she pulls back, looking him over.

He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. A gun shot echoes in the small space and before she can react, an arm is around her and Trevor, pushing them out in the hallway. The bullet going through Trevor's shoulder.

"Get out of here now!" Link yells at both of them, equipping his gun.

Trevor pulls her down the hallway. She looks over at Link as she's being dragged and seeing Link getting shot in the chest. He disappears from her view as Trevor pulls her into the elevator.

", no, no," Juliane mumbles, frantically hitting the floor number they were on.

"Juliane," Trevor stops her, hitting the button for the ground floor, "no we have to get out of here."

The elevator doors open, CIA agents disappearing, some taking the stairs, others taking surrounding elevators. Another agent escorts both Trevor and Juliane into a car and to the hospital.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Juliane shouts furious, punching him hard.

Trevor moans in agony, his shoulder bleeding. "Shit Juliane, that we needed to get the hell out of there before she shot either of us, again."

"I'm not talking about what just happened!" she shouts. "Embezzling money? Are you out of your damn mind?"

"I needed money so I could keep investigating what happened to the baby. I didn't think they would notice it was fucking missing."

"No," he shakes his head, "this was before she was killed. They came looking for you, didn't they?"

Trevor sighs. "Yes, they came looking for me. It was my fault, all of it."

"So you knew all along?" she swallows hard, hitting him hard again.

Trevor winces. "Yes, I knew," he shouts. More emergency personnel heading the opposite direction towards the hotel.

"I hate you so much," she says through choked words.

"Probably not as much as I hate myself," he says.

A few minutes later, the ambulance pulls up to the hospital, bringing Trevor into a room and the CIA agent looks at Juliane.

"Can I get you anything?"

She shakes her head, getting out. Sirens getting closer as an ambulance comes to a halt, the paramedics frantically jumping out of the back and getting the injured individual out as well.

"Link," she sees, standing up and running over.

He's immediately brought into the ER, taking him into an operating room. One of the nurses stopping Juliane.

"Can you at least tell me what the injuries are?" she looks at her.

"Are you related or married?"

"I'm a friend," Juliane shakes her head.

The nurse sighs. "He has suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and another to the abdomen. That's all I know so far. As soon as I know something else, I will let you know," she says. Her voice then turning to a whisper. "If anyone else asks, just lie and say you're his wife," she advises, turning and heading towards the operating room.

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