Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sitting in a conference room at the CIA offices in New York, Link watches as the Director walks in -- tossing some files on the long conference table and sitting down across from Link.

"What have you found?" Link asks, opening up the conversation.

"Well long time no see," the Director smiles. Link taking a hiatus after being shot.

"Apologies for the shortness," he nods. "I'm just on a bit of a deadline. Have you picked up Selma yet?" Selma being Éliane's wife.

"I understand the deadline but yes we have a team about five minutes out to her location. We pinged it from the cell tower."

"You need to put her, me and Trevor in public together. She'll have no problem shooting us but she won't hurt Selma."

"So use Selma as bait essentially?"

"This was actually her idea. Éliane has been trying to get in touch with her for some time now and I guess Selma has been trying to get divorced so I think she's a bit done with Éliane."

"Well that works out in our favor then does it? Have you talked to Trevor at all? Been in touch with him?"

"Not since he told me would start heading for the city. He was starting to get pretty paranoid though so I think he's trying to keep his phone off."

"That may or may not be a good idea," the Director nods. "We snatch Éliane. You bring her in. We don't need her dead," he gives Link a look.

"I know. He got paranoid when I told him someone could him up but I can't make you a promise on Éliane. If she makes a move I don't like towards any of us, I am shooting her and I know Éliane. if I don't kill her when I do shoot her, she'll get one of us."

"Well, try your hardest to keep her alive. We need information. I think she has more info on Trevor and his past wife's deal. You know, the burglary?"

"What kind of information? Trevor has immunity now for what he did."

"Link, I think she was one of them. One of the perps that broke in..."

"If you really don't want me to kill her, you shouldn't tell me anything else."

"I won't for that simple fact but try your damn hardest L. I promise you that where she goes once she is caught, she'll be begging to be dead."

"Alright," Link nods.

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