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Pushing through the pain, squeezing the life out of Link's hand, Juliane tries to practice her breathing. The slow and steady beeps of the monitors beeping softly in the background. The smell of cleaner and awful hospital food filling her nose. She feels a cold wash cloth rest on her forehead.

"Ms. Juliane, we are getting closer to giving birth to baby girl. You are about nine centimeters dilated and your levels and baby girl's levels all look good."

Juliane nods, looking up at Link. Eight months after Éliane's death and Trevor's capture and life sentence to prison. He keeps a hold of her hand, resting his forehead against her temple before planning a small kiss.

"I love you," Juliane says.

"I love you too," Link smiles, leaning down and kissing her lips.

A scream exits her lips as she squeezes his hand hard and taking a deep breath. "I need to push," she groans as the doctor walks in, taking her position on the chair and checking the progress.

"Alright Juliane, that one centimeter came quick. She is ready to come out. Alright dad I'm going to need you to be a cheerleader, make sure she is controlling her breathing and help me with getting her to push. Okay Juliane in 3, 2, 1...PUSH!" the doctor exclaims.

"Ah!" Juliane screams loudly, taking a deep breath and pushing hard for the ten count. Once again, squeezing the life out of Link's hands.

"Good Juliane, take a breather. She's already crowning," the doctor smiles. "Alright in 3, 2, 1...PUSH!" she yells once more.

Juliane pushes again, her life flashing to the birth of her late daughter. A few good pushes and the room is loudly filled with screams of new life. A healthy baby girl weighing six pounds and six ounces entering into the world.

"She's beautiful," Link smiles, leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips.

The nurse placing the screaming baby on Juliane's bare skin as tears flood her eyes, Juliane holding the infant close.

"Hazel," Juliane says softly.

"What?" Link says, not hearing her.

"Hazel Morgan," Juliane says once more.

Link smiles, "Hazel Morgan. I love it."

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