Chapter 87: Kids Outta Control

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"Aren't you happy we get out early this week?" Sariya asked with a smile. I was staring at her so hard because she was so pretty to me. I get so mad when she cry about people picking on her because she's dark skin but I like that about her. "JJ!"


"You don't hear me?" She chuckled.

"No, I was staring at your pretty face." She blushed and looked away.

"I said, aren't you happy we get out early this week?"

"Oh, kinda. But I like spending the day with you."

"Jayceon and Sariya, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Ms. Bengal ugly self asked.

"I'm in love Ms. Bengal."

"You're too young to be in love Jayceon. You're only 7."

"My pops and dad says love has no number." The class started laughing and she rolled her eyes.

We heard a bunch of noise outside and Ms. Bengal went to go check it out. Kyle ran in out of breath.

"JJ! Come outside!! They trynna jump Kairi!" I got up quick and took off running out the classroom. I seen the same girls that pick on her and Sariya trying their hardest to beat up Kairi but she wasn't going down without a fight. As soon as I got over there Joshua got there at the same time and we threw the girls off of her.

"How many times have I told you to leave my sister alone?!" I yelled making them jump. I looked over at Kairi and Joshua was trynna calm her down. I seen her like this one other time and I knew what I needed to do. "Kai, look at me." I grabbed her face. "Count to ten." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After ten seconds she opened her eyes. "Better?" She nodded.

Joshua handed me some tissue and I wiped around her mouth. The bell rung and we were supposed to be out but the principal told us to wait in the office for our parents. She tried asking the girls what happened but nobody would talk. I knew for fact that Kairi wasn't gonna say anything because when she's mad she goes silent for a while. A few minutes went by my mama and Pops walked in the office. Oh Lord.

"What the fuck happened?!" Pops yelled.

"Dave calm down."

"Look at my little butt face!" My mama got in front of her and grabbed her face.

"What happened Kai Kai?" She looked at her and then looked down. Mama looked at me but I wasn't going to tell her anything while we were still here because I didn't want her to go back to jail.

"Since it's the last week of school we won't be suspending any of them because they have to take their exams. None of them won't speak on the manner so if you get her to talk please give me a call so I can take matters on the situation."

"Thank you." My mama smiled and we walked out. When we got outside I seen Joshua with his mama and I ran over to him and slap hands with him.

"Thanks for looking out for my sister." "It is not a problem. My daddy said look out for the girl you care about." I scrunched up my face and he laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow." I ran back over to my mama and got in the car. We drove home in silence until Harmony started singing again. Pops had the nerve to encourage and that mad my mama mad.

"Sing that shit thugga."


"Harmony got a beautiful voice mamas."

"I understand that but I hear that shit all day. Don't encourage it."

"Y'all got homework?"

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