Chapter 44: Betrayal

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"Giggles. What you doing mamas?" I walked outside and she was smoking. This was her fourth blunt. She blew smoke out of her mouth and handed it to me. "Come on, talk to me."

"My nerves are just bad." I hit the blunt and looked at her.

"Look everything go be good okay. I took my medicine, and we just there to clear the air."

"I'm not afraid of what you'll do, I'm afraid of myself. I don't like talking about my past with that man for a reason."

"You gotta talk about it to move forward Giggles. I told you that." She sighed and nodded. I put the blunt out and kissed her. "I got you okay." She nodded. She went back inside the apartment and then came back out with her purse. I opened the door for her and helped her inside, rubbing all on her booty.

"Stop." She laughed.

"I can't help it, it look juicy today." She shook her hand I chuckled and got inside the drivers side before pulling off.

"When you getting a hair cut?"

"Imma grow it out."

"You need to grow out that beard." She mumbled and I popped her thigh making her laugh.

"Y'all go get enough talking about my shit. You don't be complaining about it when it tickle ya pussy." Her mouth dropped.

"You so nasty." She waved me off. We talked and laughed for the rest of the ride until we made it there. I got out and let her out before making her look at me.

"Count to ten in there. Hold my hand, and breathe." She nodded and we walked inside. She signed in and they told us to go in the office. When we walked in, Jayceon was sitting in there with a girl and I'm assuming the therapist. I seen Treasure whole face turn red.

"I can't do this."

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I need some air." She walked out the office and I went over to shake the therapist hand.

"How you doing? I'm Dave."

"I'm Dr. Martin, nice to meet you." She smiled. "Is Treasure okay?"

"I'm about to check on her. Excuse me." I walked outside and Treasure was praying.

"Please give me the strength Father to not lose my cool. I know this is a test and I pray that you guide me through the path of passing." She took a deep breath and swung her arms.

"Baby." She looked at me and half smiled.

"I'm okay. Come on." We walked back inside and sat across from them.

"Are you okay Treasure?"

"Yes Dr. Martin, thank you for asking."

"How have you been? Jayceon told me about the accident."

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