Transformers (1) Intro

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{This is a shitty explanation for Y/n's past and the plot, my writing is much better this is just a quick generalization}

My name is (y/n) Witwicky. I live with my brother Sam and my parents. I'm a second year college student with a major in engineering. I take my classes at a nearby college. About a 20 minute walk. And being closer to Sam and home is, well, kinda necessary...

At age 11 I was diagnosed with epilepsy, general anxiety disorder, and possibly separation anxiety. So being away from home isn't an option for now.

Sam for awhile has been wanting to get a car, so when dad promised him a car he flipped, our parents said that they'd give me a car if I could drive, but epileptics can't legally drive.

I helped Sam get the 2000 and him study. Little did I know that that car would introduce a lot into our lives.

Ps: there is a lot of inaccuracies with Y/n's epilepsy, and I'm currently working on fixing/editing it. The anxiety is based off my own previous experiences.

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