Chapter 1

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Okay, so before you start reading, I will be using some of Tate McRae's music as Camilla's (she's the main character and the story is in her point of view.) If you don't agree with this choice then... I don't know... go cry about it or something. I don't care. Don't read it. Anyways, just didn't want you to be confused.

*i am currently going through and revising this story so i apologize for any abnormalities, there will be no major plot changes this is more focused on grammatical inconsistency and minor details

I pulled on the straps of my backpack in a poor attempt to lessen the weight, but it didn't help much. I slowly walked up my driveway, examining my mom's beat up silver-blue car on the way. The tires were completely flat. What the fuck happened?

I got a bad feeling in my stomach as I swung the door to my small house open. "Mom," I called, stepping into the living room. "What happened to your car?"

"Camilla," she warned angrily. "Not right now. Leave me alone."

"Well, I'm just saying that's a little worrying, don't—"

"Por favor, Mino," she yelled, using my nickname.

"It's not fair that you don't tell me about stuff like this," I yelled back, surprised when I didn't get a slap to the face.

"What do you think happened, huh? It was David, as it always is! Go do some homework or something!" She waved me off, mumbling to herself. I'd already been studying for hours. There was no way in hell I was keeping at it for any longer.

I grabbed my skateboard and walked back outside, slamming the chipped door behind me. "Fuck!" I kicked the brick wall in an attempt to release my anger as I walked by and then skated down the street for a while until I was in some suburban neighborhood. I'd been through the neighborhood a lot, but not in a while. This is where Andrew lived. A burning lump formed in my throat at the thought of him. I attempted to blink away a tear but instead, it rolled down my cheek.

I loved skating at night. It was better. There weren't as many people out. Not in this area anyways. The environment was very serene and quiet. It was refreshing. It also made it to where nobody could tell that I was crying, which was another plus.

All of a sudden, a girl zoomed into the street past me on an electric scooter. I lost my balance and fell off of the board, surprised by her sudden appearance. "Holy shit, dude. My bad." The girl quickly walked back over to me. "You good, mama?"

I nodded like an idiot and quickly wiped my face, my cheeks heating up.

To call her pretty would be an understatement. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her smooth, milky skin was flawless and the roots of her hair looked to be dyed, but I couldn't quite tell what color under the orange of the street lights. Her outfit was unique and probably worth more than my entire existence. She was wearing a white Gucci shirt along with matching shorts. Several chains hung around her neck and she showcased more rings than fingers.

"Yeah. Sorry. I'm fine." I reached out and grab my skateboard before it managed to roll away.

"You don't have to apologize, dude. I almost ran you over. Are you sure your okay?"

"I'm okay," I assured her with a laugh.

"What are you even doing skating around so late? Do you live over here?" She was certainly a little nosey, but so was I so I didn't mind it.

"No, I don't live over here. I was annoying my mom so she told me to go find something to do."

"Mm." She nodded, holding out a hand to help me up. I gladly accepted it. Her hands were soft and warm in contrast to the cold rings. "I annoy the hell out of my mom all the time but she can't get rid of me."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now