Chapter 55

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This is kinda late and pretty trashy but I needed to go ahead and get this information in so I'm sorry if you hate it.

"Baby," Billie said quietly.

I ignored her.

"Baby," she repeated, much louder this time.

I tried my hardest not to smile. It was kinda funny.


"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm tired." She threw her leg over me and laid her head on my chest.

"Then go to sleep." I wrapped my arms around her and kiss her head.

"I can't. I have to go meet up with my managers in like ten minutes."


She sighed. "Mm-hm. Wanna come with me?"

"Are you sure that's okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah. It'd be a lot less boring if you were there."


"Danny. Brandon." Billie pulled her managers into a hug. "This is Camilla. Camilla, this is Danny and Brandon."

"Nice to finally meet you," they both said, not quite at the same time.

"Nice to meet you too."

"It's good that you came because this matter does concern you," Danny said, raising his eyebrows at us. "I'm sure you both know what this is about."

We both nodded.

"Billie, I know you like to keep your business private, but this is a problem that needs to be addressed. A lot of the higher-ups at Interscope are pissed. There are too many rumors concerning you guys. Have you seen what people have been saying?" He looked at me specifically.

I shook my head. "No."

"The main theory concerning you two is that Billie broke up with you so you started posting stuff to get back at her. The problem really needs to be addressed. You guys are just gonna have to tell them so that they'll stop. People are saying some very terrible things about you guys—mainly Camilla. I mean, people have been threatening Camilla's life. It's gotten bad."

Billie drug her hands down her face and sighed. The whole situation was clearly stressing her out. There were a lot more than just the pictures we needed to address. We found out that Alex killed Andrew. We had to figure out what we're doing with that information. We had absolutely no proof that it was him since there was no autopsy report, so I didn't know what we'd be able to do.

"So, you want me to..." Billie tilted her head confusedly. "What? What am I supposed to do about it?"

"Make a post. Post about it."

"And what am I supposed to say? Hey, guys, this is my girlfriend so don't send her death threats anymore."

He shrugged. "That would work, less like that of course. You need to clarify that her account got hacked."

"Oh, yeah. Right." She nodded. "Okay."

"This is okay with you?" Danny asked and they all turn to me.

"Oh..." I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah. That's cool."

"Okay. Great. You need to get this done quickly, got it? I know it isn't ideal and we try to keep the relationships and controversy away but it's our only option."

She nodded.

"Thank you." He held out his wrist and glanced down at his watch. "I need to go," he said, distracted, before looking back up at us. "It was really nice meeting you. Billie, don't forget about the post. I know how you are."


"Okay. Now, we're gonna stay off of Instagram because that shit's toxic." Billie threw her phone down and hugged me.

I laughed. "Mm-hm."

"How's school been?"

"I have to take my final exams in about... two weeks, so not good."

"Shut up. You're smart. You got it. Are you excited for school to be over forever?"

I might have to move after graduation. "I don't know—I mean, yeah. Yes. Of course. I'm so ready to be out of that hell hole."

She frowned. "Where's your mind, baby?"

"In the gutter," I joked. "Oh, wait. Never mind. That's you. I forgot."

"I hate you." She shook her head. "I'd really be losing my mind if I ever had to live with you. You're so annoying."

I could feel my smile falter as I continued to think.

"Hey, I was just kidding, baby." She tapped my leg, getting my attention.

"Oh, yeah. I know."

"What wrong?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"I can tell you're lying but I'll leave it alone if you really want me to."

"It's really nothing." I pursed my lips, looking down at her.

She reached her hand up and poked my cheek. "Aw. Look at your dimples. You're so cute."

"Stoppp." I pulled her hands down.

"No. You're pretty."

My face heated up as I looked away from her.

"The fuck is this?" She turned her phone around to show me her screen as she scrolled through her camera roll, hundreds of pictures of me flying over the screen.

"Wow. Who took all those? Looks like it might take a minute to delete. Ooh, wait." I took her phone. "Let's see what little Billie looked like a few years ago."

"Or let's not." She took the phone back.


"Whatever." She laughed, handing me her phone. "Where's your phone?"

I nodded towards the nightstand, scrolling all the way to the top of her camera roll to see many different pictures of her with silver hair. "Aw. Look at you."

"Shut up—bro!" She huffed, laying her head back down on my stomach. "I want a baby. They're so fucking cute."

"I knowww."

"I just wanna rent one."

"That's..." I tilted my head a little. I didn't really know what to say.

"I'm just kidding but not really. I want a little baby that looks like me—not right now, of course, because I still am a baby—but one day."

"You mean to tell me that you want to have a baby one day—like, yourself?"

"Umm... okay so a little baby that looks like you."

I shook my head. "Yeah, I don't know about that."

"No, but for real." She sighed. "I do want to adopt a kid one day... or a baby... or... anything of any age. I don't really care. I want a baby one day because they're so fucking cute and it'd be so cool to raise a tiny human, but I'd like to adopt an older kid because they're a little more neglected when they're the ones who really need somebody to be there for them at that age... if you get what I mean."

I nodded. "Yeah. I completely agree."

I looked back down at her phone and laughed as I came across several pictures of her in overalls. "Wow. Was this one of your phases?"

She shook her head, taking her phone from me. "That's enough."

"What? I was just getting to the good stuff."

"Shut up. You're so dumb."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now