Chapter 46

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"Fuck." I groaned, pressing a hand to my forehead in an attempt to ease my pounding headache.

"Here." Billie handed me two small pills and a glass of water.


"You're welcome." She sat down beside me.

I put the pills in my mouth and took a drink of the water. She leaned down and kissed my head softly.

"So, where were you yesterday?"

"My cousin got kicked out of rehab so he has to stay with us for a while and we used to be pretty close, but I was a terrible kid and he was a terrible influence so..."

"That didn't really answer my question."

"I was with my cousin and he was calling me lame and telling me I'm a pussy because I didn't want to drink or smoke with him and his friends like I used to, so I just did it." I shrug. "So that he'd shut the fuck up."

"Well, that does not make you—"

"Billie, I know." I rub my face frustratedly. "It was dumb. It's not gonna happen again. I'm not gonna hang out with him and his friends again. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to make you mad." I got up and tried to walk away but she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her again, standing up.

"You better lose the fucking attitude, Camilla—"

"Who the fuck are you? My mom?"

She pushed me onto the bed and straddled me. "Shut the fuck up and listen to me."

I nodded, slightly intimidated under her intense stare.

"I'm not mad at you. You just need to be careful about who you hang out with. If he was really that great of a person to be around, he wouldn't have pressured you into doing that shit, okay?"

"Okay." I looked around for a minute. "God. Please tell me I didn't do anything embarrassing."

She smiled, shaking her head. "Nah. You didn't really say anything that made sense. It was just... it was nothing. You're good."

"Okay. I'm really sorry about that."

She slid her hands under my shirt, resting them on my waist. "It's okay. Don't worry about it." Billie's phone dinged in her back pocket. She sighed, pulling it out and clicking on the message. "Camilla?"


She handed me her phone where there was a picture sent from a random number. It was of me and Billie kissing. In her room, meaning somebody had to have taken it from outside her window. That was scary. My phone buzzed a few times on the nightstand. Billie grabs it and bit her lip as she scrolled through notifications.

"What is it?"

"Damnit. Somebody's fucking stupid." She handed me my phone. The same picture that was sent to Billie was posted on my Instagram account.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. "It wasn't me. How would I take a picture from outside the window if I was in here? Why would I do that? And I didn't have my phone when this was posted."

"Shit. You're right. Does anybody have your password?"

I sighed. "Somebody took a picture of you from outside of your window. I doubt it's somebody knowing my password. It's probably somebody hacking my account. It has to be."

She gasped, her face turning pink. "This is on Instagram. People are reposting it and tagging you over and over. My mom has to have seen this. Finneas has to have seen this." She drug her hands down her face. Is she embarrassed that she's dating me?

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now