Chapter 32

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"Wake up, you lazy brats," Finneas said. I ignored him. "Get up." He shook me a little and I huffed out of frustration but still didn't move.

The flash of a camera caused me to finally open my eyes. "Aw. Look at you guys. So cute." Claudia pulled a picture out of her Polaroid camera, a playful grin on her face.

"Shut up, Claudia." I pulled Billie's arm off of me and sat up, kicking her leg off of me as well.

"Stop," she grumbled, pulling me back down and throwing her leg over me.

"You stop." I pried her arm off again, laughing. She was still half-asleep. I r bought that I woke her up, trying to get her off of me.

She sighed, laying her head on my stomach.

"Billie." I shook her before she did anything else. I didn't want her to accidentally give herself away. She'd be the one to accidentally let her brother know that she's into girls by trying to kiss me while she's half-asleep or something.


"Get up." I grabbed her shoulders, making her sit up.


"And finally we are done with that," Maggie said, picking up wrapping paper on the floor. I laughed and began helping her.

"Can you come here real quick, Mino," Billie asked, poking her head out of her bedroom.

"Uh-huh." I stuffed the wrapping paper in a bag and then went to Billie's room, sitting on the bed.

"So... I got you something but I didn't want to give it to you in there because I know how you are. You'd get all blushy and embarrassed." She laughed, biting her lip.

"Okay." My face heated up at that alone. I hated it when people got me stuff because I didn't want them to get mad at me for not getting them something as good as what they gave me.

"Close your eyes. I have to go get it out of Finneas' old room. I couldn't wrap it so I had to hide it."

"Okay." I laughed and closed my eyes.

She left the room and then came back shortly after. "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes to see Billie standing in front of me with a guitar in her hand. She held it out to me and I took it cautiously. "This is for me?"

"Yeah." Her face dropped after a second. "Do you not like it because I can—"

"Of course I like it, Billie." I stood up and gave her a hug. "I just didn't expect anything like that. I didn't even know that you remembered me telling you that."

Her cheeks turned pink as she scratched her head, shrugging. "Of course I did. I remember everything you tell me... Oh, yeah." She opened a drawer in her nightstand and pulled out a small journal. "Also this." She handed it to me and I looked at her confusedly.

"Why this?"

"I think you should keep writing."

I crinkled my nose at her, letting out a small laugh of skepticism. "Really?"

"Yeah." She looked down, biting her lip. "Sooo... since I'm so nice, play another one of your songs," she asked hopefully.

I sighed. "Do you happen to have a capo?"

"Mm-hm." She jogged back to Finneas' old room and came back with a capo. I put it on the third fret and started playing.

Only think about her on the weekdays and weekends
Only in the mornings and evenings
Only when I wake up and sleep in, oh my God
Should have read the warning on the label, I don't
Said proceed with caution, but I won't
Guess I do it often, I know
I'm already gone
It's sad but true
I'd go to hell and back
If I could go there with you
What do I do?
Oh my God, I'm a fool
Keep on coming back to you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
I have a list of all my habits, habits
Wish I didn't have it, so bad, it's
'Cause all of them are you and
The bad things that you do
Ooh I wonder how you do it
Make me feel stupid
Try to fight it off
But it's useless
I'm so foolish, fooling around with you
It's sad but true
I'd go to hell and back
If I could go there with you
What do I do?
Oh my God, I'm a fool
Keep on coming back to you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
For you, for you
I'm so stupid for you
For you, for you
It's sad but true
I'd go to hell and back
If I could go there with you
What do I do?
Oh my God, I'm a fool
Keep on coming back to you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
I'm so stupid for you
For you, for you
I'm so stupid for you
For you, for you

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now