Chapter 20

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"Finally." I plopped down on my couch. "Christmas break."


I jumped and turned around to look at my mom.

"What have I told you about throwing yourself down on the couch, hm? You're going to break something. Stop getting so excited. I told Mr. Johnson next door that you'll mow his yard, edge his lawn, and sweep the driveway afterwards. It's forty-three degrees out. Wear a hoodie or something."

"God bless," I mumbled, standing up. "Okay."

"He has everything you need. Go knock on his door."

The fuck did she mean "knock on his door?" Like, actually go and communicate? Willingly? With somebody I don't know?


I set the manual edger down and crouched down, pulling at the grass. It didn't come loose. I guess I didn't go down far enough. I yanked at it a few times and it finally came out. I fell backwards, not expecting it to come loose and dirt flew in my face. My fingers were frozen and I was sweating but very cold. There were only a few days of the year that it was cold enough that you could see your breath in California. I was just so lucky that this happened to be one of those days.

I threw the grass in a garbage bag and stood up, wiping my nose and sniffing. I should've listened to my mom when she said it was cold. I was wearing a long sleeved shirt but it wasn't doing me any justice. As of right now, I regretted my decision to cut my hair. I felt like my ears were about to fall off without my thick hair covering them.

I heard the sound of an engine behind me, where my own house was. My mom wasn't supposed to be home yet. I looked up to see Billie's car. What was she doing? She got out and walked over to me, laughing. She was cute as hell. That damn smile. Fuck me. "What are you doing?"

"Edging my neighbors lawn," I replied, holding my hands over my ears in an attempt to warm them but my hands were just as cold as my ears so It didn't do much.

"What's wrong with your ears," she asked, an amused smile playing at her lips.

"They're cold."

"Oh, yeah. You are not very well dressed for the weather, baby."

"I know," I mumbled frustratedly.

"Here." She took her beanie off and pulled it over my head, adjusting it to cover my ears. "Do you want my hoodie?"

"I don't want you to be cold. I'm fine."

"Okay. Do you want to come over and put up Christmas decorations with me when you're done? I know we're getting to it a little late but it's okay. Finneas and Claudia are coming over too. We're decorating Christmas cookies and shit."

I nodded. "Sure."

"Cool." She took her hoodie off and handed it to me. "Put it on. I can sit in my car."

"Thank you." I pulled the hoodie on. It was very warm from being recently worn.

"You're welcome, mama. Tell me when you're done."

I smiled and picked up the edger again. I finished as fast as I could, not wanting to hold Billie up. I got in the car and tilted my head back, closing my eyes. That was exhausting. "I got your hoodie dirty. I'm sorry. I'll wash it."

"Don't worry about it," she said, backing out of my driveway. "I figured you would."

"Okay." I took a deep breath, struggling to catch my breath. My hands felt like they were being pricked by a thousand needles as they quickly warmed up.

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now