Chapter 31

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I sat down on the couch, trying not to get worried. My mom was supposed to be home a while ago but she wasn't there. As if on cue, I got a call from my mom. I quickly answered it, eagerly awaiting her excuse. "Hello?"

"Hey—I'm—uh... oh, yeah! I'm not gonna make it homeee tonight." She paused for a minute and cleared her throat. "I drank—a little bit and..." A little bit. Right. She sighed. "I'm tired. I'm at Saul's house, so I'm just gonna stay the night."

"Oh. Okay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." I pressed my lips together.

"I really am."

"I know. It's fine. Just be careful. Stay safe. Don't drive anywhere, okay?"

"Yeah," she responded tiredly.

"Drink some water. I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone, sighing. As much as I didn't like being around her sometimes, I was hoping she'd be home. I usually spent Christmas Eve with Andrew watching Home Alone and How The Grinch Stole Christmas and eating way too much raw cookie dough. I didn't want to be alone tonight, but it looked like that was how it was gonna be. I'd just go to bed early.

I thought for a minute before crutching out of my house, shutting and locking the door behind me. Andrew lived at the end of Billie's road. Well, he lived at the end of Billie's road. I set my skateboard down and sat on it, using my hands to push me down the road. I really needed to get my driver's license. Especially since I couldn't fucking walk without those damn crutches. Well, I could but it hurt.

This road went from being Andrew's road to Billie's road so suddenly. It was weird to think about. I stopped in front of Andrew's house. All the lights were off and his dad's truck was gone. Surprisingly enough, our swing was still there. We used to always try to break it down. We never did. We'd jump on it and hang from it and try everything. I didn't think this through. Now I didn't have my crutches. I sighed, hopping on one leg over to the swing. I sat down on the small slab of wood, grabbing onto the ropes, tears pricking at my eyes.

It was a lot more lonely and spacious sitting here without Andrew. A tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I jumped a little as my phone rings. It was Billie. I contemplated whether I should answer it or not for a minute before deciding to answer it.

I clicked the green button, holding the phone up to my ear and clearing my throat. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby." There was a loud noise that I knew must've been a bag of Taki's. That was always what it was. She felt the need to crumple the bag all up in the speaker every time she ate them, giving me free, unwanted ASMR, and shit. "My mom wanted me to invite you and your mom over for dinner. You don't have to come if you don't want to obviously, but uh—well, you can do whatever you want but... it'd be cool if you came." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Please. Finneas and Claudia are over here and they're being all lovey-dovey and shit. I miss you."

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, I'm coming to get you," she said quickly, hanging up before I could object.

"Fuck." I slid off of the swing and sat on my skateboard, making my way back to my house as I watched Billie pull out of her driveway.

Billie pulled into my driveway and a minute later, I open the passenger door and slide into the seat.

"Holy shit! Where'd you come from?" Billie held her hand over her chest.

My chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath. "Nowhere."

"Oh. Is everything okay? You good?"

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now