Chapter 51

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"No, I think it's—" A loud noise rang through my house and I immediately dropped down to the ground.

"Shit," Adam mumbled. "My bad. I dropped a pot. No need to get scared." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm gonna kill you. Fuck." I stepped outside, returning to my conversation with Billie. "Can I come over?"

"I really wanna know what you think is better than it being a ghost. Can you just tell me?"

"No. I need to present my case." I smiled, knowing this'd make her mad.

"I'm coming to get you, you little shit head."

"Okay. Thanks."


"Can you tell me what you're thinking now?"

"Oh, yeah. So..." I cleared my throat, looking between Claudia, Finneas, and Billie. As much as I wanted to get to the point and hear what they had to say, and I knew they want me to just get to the point, as well, which was too amusing. They were all mad at me for taking so long, and they were gonna be even more mad when they realized how obvious it should've been. "What do we know?"

"That you're taking forever," Claudia said.

"Shut up. That's incorrect. We know that this person must have some source from the police station because of the uh... picture of Andrew, we know that they must've somehow had access to Billie's phone, and here was the dead giveaway, they had to have been there when we were playing hide 'n seek because they posted a picture of Billie and I asleep in our hiding spot."

"Oh, yeah," Billie said quietly. "But nobody saw us, remember?"

"Any final guesses?" I raised my eyebrows, ignoring her. She was kind of an idiot sometimes. If somebody was taking a picture of us and didn't want us to know, why would they wake us up. That'd be suspicious because then when they posted it, we'd have a good idea of who it was?

They all shook their heads, which made sense for Claudia and Finneas since they weren't there, but Billie was just completely brainless at this point.

"I think that it has to be Erika but I also think there has to be somebody else, as well."

"Okay, well... what makes you think it's Erika?"

"After Connor, Erika's boyfriend, took our phones so that we couldn't cheat, Erika must've gotten into Billie's phone and sent the pictures to herself. Also, when we were playing hide 'n seek, she was looking in the ditch and her flashlight skimmed over Billie's foot but she didn't say anything. I think that she acted like she didn't see us and then came back later to take a picture so the question is..." I sighed, shrugging. "Why? What did we do to Erika? I barely know her."

"Holy shit. You're right. But I don't know. I barely talk to her."

"No, but how did she get that picture of Andrew," Finneas asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "That's all I got."

Billie got up to throw her empty Taki bag away. "Finneas, take out the trash, dude."

He sighed heavily, getting up and tying the bag. "I hate you." He opened the front door and stepped outside. "Who the fuck—guys!"

I quickly got up and looked out the front door to see... Alex, I think... running away. I ran after him. The slow little asshole. Once I was close enough, I jumped towards him, and we both fell to the ground, sliding across the road. Fuck. That shit stung. Maybe that was a rash decision. "What the hell are you doing?"

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now