Chapter 37

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"So pretty." I teased, poking her cheek.

Billie sighed, shaking her head at me. "Alright. Come on, cripple. I'm ready to get out of here."

"Oh, my God. I hate you. You can't call me cripple anymore because I don't have crutches anymore."

"Actually, I can because you still have a cast on your leg that causes you to walk irregularly and your doctor said that after you get your cast off it's very likely that you'll have to use crutches again because... uh, I forgot what he said."

"Because your muscles are weak and your leg won't be used to moving like that," I mocked in a stupid voice.

"Don't mock him. You're just mad that you're gonna have crutches again."

I elbowed her in her stomach. She was right and that was annoying.

"Ow! Damn. Sorry."

"My bad. I slipped." A smirked found it's way onto my face as we got into her car.

"Sure." She shook her head, starting the car.

"And I have a right to be frustrated because I tore my fucking ACL twice and just as that's fucking healing, this happens. Now, I look like an idiot because since I've had to put all of my weight on my left leg, I have to go back to using this stupid knee immobilizer. So, I have a fucking cast on this leg." I motion to my right leg. "And a stupid brace that I don't fucking need on this one." I motioned to my left leg.

"Yeah, so believe it or not, you do need that stupid brace. If you don't wear it, it's gonna take longer for both of your legs to heal."

I groaned. "I know. That's why it's stupid, but I get my cast off in... uh. Like what? A month?"

"Yeah. I'm fucking starving. Are you hungry?"

"A little bit." I rested my head against the window, staring out of it.

"Let's go to—"

"Taco Bell," I said at the same time as her. "Sure."

"Okay. Here." She tossed the auxiliary cord over to me. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm letting you pick the music."

"Oh, uh..." I didn't really want to play the music because I didn't want to play something that she didn't like.

"Just play something."

"Okay." I played a few songs that she always played on the way to Taco Bell.

"Oh my God. I gave you the AUX cord because I want to know what you like to listen to. Not because I want you to play music that I always play. Play something else."

"Okay." I put on "How Could You Leave Us" by NF.

"This shit is sad, dude." She laughs.

"Mm-hm." Once that's over, I put on "Aute Cuture" by Rosalía. Billie turned the music down as she pulled into the drive-through.

"Who's your favorite artist," she asked.

I thought for a minute. "I don't know. I have a few. I like Blackpink, Billie Eyelash—I think that's how you say it—"

"Shutup." She laughed, pushing my head.

"I'd say Rosalía is my favorite artist though. That's probably who I listen to most."

"Rosalía, huh?"


"Cool." She smirked and rolled down her window to order. I didn't like the look on her face. It felt like she was up to something. Or maybe she just found it funny that Rosalía was my favorite artist. I don't know. Was that weird?

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now