Chapter 2

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I quickly lifted my head off of my desk and turned around when something hit me in the back of the head. "What the fuck?"

Three dudes all pointed at each other. The one on the far left's name was Ayden. He had brown, loosely curly hair. It hung down in small locks in front of his pale face.

The dude in the middle's name was Natorie. He was extremely tall, standing somewhere around 6'8. He had dark brown skin and a buzz cut.

The last one was Jayson. He had permed curly hair and a caramel complexion.

I smoothened out the paper and tore it into three pieces, making them all into paper hornets. I got a rubber band out of my backpack and shot one at each of them. The third one hit Jayson on the forehead and I laughed. They always messed with me and were probably the closest things I had to friends at that school. "Leave me the fuck alone."

"Ms. Ramirez, is there a problem," Mr. Lane, my algebra teacher, asked.

I shook my head. "Nope."

"So then why are you interrupting my class?"

I shrugged. "My bad?"

"My bad? Why don't you go see the principal? You've been interrupting my class all—"

"Say no more." I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the classroom, shaking my head as my eyes immediately landed on a poster that essentially said: "don't kill yourself." They were a little too late. I pulled the poster off of the wall and left it on the floor.

As I continued on my way, I spotted my ex, Alex, standing by the bathroom and attempted to walk away without him seeing me but failed. God, I hated him. He was the reason everybody called me a slut and shit. He ran to catch up. "Fuck off, Alejandro." I stuck my middle finger up at him.

"No. Where ya going?"

"Anywhere away from you," I replied cooly.

"Tough luck, Mino." He laughed.

I walked into the girls bathroom and to my dismay, he followed me. "Get out of here, you weirdo." I shoved him.

"Don't put your hands on me." He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it as he trapped me in between him and the wall. "Not like that anyways." He smirked, dragging my hand down his chest.

"Stop!" I ripped my hand away from him and tried to leave but he pushed me back into the wall. "What do you want from me, dickhead?"

"You. Be my girlfriend again." He flashed a toothy smile.

"Ew. No."

"I'm not letting you go until you say yes," he said. "At least just for show. You're ruining my reputation by telling everybody that I made that shit up."

"You did! We never did anything beyond kissing."

"We can." He raised an eyebrow.

"No." I attempted to leave again.

He pinned my wrists above my head. "Agree or I'll kiss you. It's just for show."

I thought for a minute. I didn't really have much of a choice. Once I was gone, I'd just tell him that I changed my mind. "Fine."

"Good. Get back to class, baby." He let me go and I slapped him across the face before squeezing past him. He held his hand over his cheek, his hair falling down into his face as he laughed. "You know, the way you keep putting your hands on me, it's almost like you want me to put mine on you."

"Get over yourself." I scoffed, walking towards the school doors.

"One last thing," he yelled, running towards me. I stopped but didn't look at him. "Tell your friends. Give me your phone."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now