Chapter 12

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"Come on. Get in the fucking car. It's not up for debate. I'm not doing it today, Camilla." My mom pushes me towards the car and I get in. "I don't understand why you can't just listen to me, mija." She sighs, starting the car.

"Because I hate them. I don't understand how you can bear to be around them." I sit back, crossing my arms.

She shakes her head, turning her blinkers on. "God. I don't understand how I can bear to be around you. You're impossible. I don't know what to do to please you."

"Stop making me go to this maniac's house."

She slams her fist down on the steering wheel, making me jump. "That maniac has your little sister!"

"I know that, but you know that's not why you keep bringing me here!" I turn to her.

She looks at me, clearly surprised. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Well, you obviously! Who the fuck else?"

"You know what? Get out of my fucking car. You're walking the rest of the way there, and yes, you still have to go." She points at the door and I just stare at her. "Get the fuck out before I hurt you! You don't talk to me like that!"

I open the door and get out without a second thought. It's going to take a lot more than making me walk to make me stop getting mad about this. About fifteen minutes later, I finally make it to his house, deciding to walk up like this is the same way I come every time. I know that'll annoy her.


My mom grabs my wrist, pulling me up. "Come on, we're leaving," she says in Spanish, anger evident in her voice.

I shake my wrist out of her grip. "Why? What happened?"

"I told you to fucking leave," David yells, grabbing her arm. "Why are you still here?"

"We're leaving," she replies, a slight waver in her voice. My heartbeat speeds up as he clenches his jaw, saying something into her ear. She tries to pull her arm away but that just makes him angrier. He grabs her face tightly, pulling her towards him.

"Stop!" I pull him away from her and he shoves me into the already cracked window with enough force that it breaks.

I furrow my eyebrows, examining the cuts on my arm. "Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Camilla, you know I'd never do that to you on purpose. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." He holds out his hands cautiously.

I shake my head. My arm hurts like hell and I hate this bitch even more now. I'm so sick of him. "Leave me the fuck alone. I'm going home."

He leans down and whispers something else into my mom's ear. She nods and then looks at me. "I'll be home later. You can go ahead. You're okay walking, right? You could use the exercise."

I stare at her for a minute before turning around and leaving. What the actual fuck is my life? I decide to text Billie.

Me: wyd?

Billie: nm.

Me: can I come over?

Billie: I mean I guesss

Me: I hate you and I'm omw

I put my phone back in my pocket and start walking to Billie's house. It doesn't take too long. As I walk up the driveway, Billie comes outside and pulls me into a hug, setting her head on my shoulder. Her familiar vanilla scent is comforting. She lets go and steps back. "Holy shit. What happened to your arm? Are you okay?"

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now