Chapter 27

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Yes, of course. This is what I've wanted for so long. Just pull the damn trigger, Camilla. I close my eyes and grit my teeth as I pull the trigger, a deafening, heart-wrenching, blood-curdling bang echoing through the small neighborhood.

I fell down to the ground and held a hand over the wound on my thigh. This stupid bitch. I pointed the gun at him and he ran away. Once he was gone, I pulled out the detachable magazine and tossed it to the side, setting the gun down beside me.

Who can I call? Who can I call? Who can I call? Not Billie. Starlit doesn't have a car. Definitely not my mom. Astro maybe?

I took a deep breath and dialed Astro's number, but it went straight to voicemail. I tried again but it still went to voicemail. The dumbass probably didn't charge her phone. Billie or my mom. I couldn't call my mom.

I dialed Billie's number and she answered after the first ring. "Hello," she said, her voice groggy. Fuck. I loved her voice.

"Can you please come get me? It's an emergency."

"Uhh... Yeah, sure. Just give me a few min—"

"No, it's like... I need you to be on your way right now." Usually I'd feel bad for asking this of her but I really needed help.

"Okay." I could hear her shut her car door. "Life or death situation?" she asked jokingly.

"If you don't hurry then yes."

"Oh, shit. Okay. Send me your location."

I sent her my location.

"What happened?"

I squinted at the ground, feeling lightheaded. I rubbed my eye with my bloodied hand and then hold it over my leg again. This shit hurt like hell—that was for fucking sure. After this, I was sure we'd be leaving California much sooner than expected. Medical bills were expensive, but I didn't have that much of a choice. He could shoot me in the head, I could shoot him, I could shoot myself in the head, or I could shoot myself in the leg and blame it on him. He was gonna do it anyways. If I just shot him, I would've had to kill him or he'd kill me once he got the chance—him or his gang. This was the best option. Nobody was dead.

"Camilla? You're not answering me. What happened?"

"I don't... I'm sorry." I took a deep breath. "I need a minute." I set the phone down and used both of my hands to cover my wound, letting out a sob. God. This shit hurt. I let my head fall, trying to catch my breath. Fuck.

"Camilla," Billie called through the phone but I didn't have the energy to answer. "Camilla," she yelled again, more panic in her voice this time.

"Sorry." I closed my eyes.

"I'm almost there. What the fuck is wrong?"

I opened my eyes and look down at my leg, gagging. "Oh fuck. That's a lot of blood."

Billie's black car pulled up on the side of the road and she got out. "Milla! What happened—holy shit! You're leg!"

"I don't—please just help me. I don't have time for that."

"Okay. Okay." She picked me up and puts me in the backseat of her car. She took her hoodie off and puts it on my leg, setting my hands on it. "Press down hard, okay?"

I tried but it was hard. My arms felt weak. "Billie, I can't." I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut as a tear fell down my cheek.

"You can, okay?" She got in the driver's seat and started driving. "Fucking go! I swear to God I'll get out of this damn car—that's what I fucking thought." I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. I just wanted to go to sleep. Billie opened the back door and scooped me up again. "Hey." She shook me in her arms as she jogged to the entrance of the hospital, people immediately calling her name. Sometimes I forgot that so many people knew her. "Stay awake, okay? You need to press down as hard as you can."

I laid my head on her chest but still pressed down as she told me to. I just wanted to go to sleep honestly.

"Fucking Christ." She lifted her leg up and pushed the door open. "I need some help!"

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now