Chapter 18

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I shoved Alex into the locker as soon as I saw him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled. "Why would you tell your mom that I'm gay?"

He laughed. "Cute hair. So, you're gay and you cut your hair. What? Edgy," he mused.

"What is wrong with you?"

"You are gay though. It's the truth, isn't it?" He smirked.

I swallowed and look around before shoving him again. "No! Shut up!"

"You wouldn't be so offended if it wasn't true."


"Camilla! Come with me now!" Mr. Burke tugged on my backpack.

"I hate you," I said, before turning around and following the principle to his office.

He sat down and I sat across from him. He started writing something on a pink slip of paper. "That was your last strike. You're suspended for two days. You have to get this paper signed or you can't come back to school."

"Got it." I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"One more thing." He clicked the end of his pen. "You have one more strike and then you're expelled. You can't get into any more fights. You're making our school look bad."

"Expelled?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes. I can't have you fighting all of my students."

"Whatever." I walked out of his office.


The day drug on forever. I pulled out my phone as I walked through the double doors. I wanted to hang out with Billie one more time before I was grounded for the rest of my life.

Me: can i come over?


Me: oh

I think she was mad at me or something. She'd been putting me off a lot. We hadn't hung out in two weeks. Last time I went so that Maggie could help me, Billie wasn't there at all. I wasn't excited about tomorrow. Especially since I got suspended. My mom was gonna kill me. I assumed she was mad because of what I said about my mom thinking I like her. Smart. Fantastic job, Camilla. You couldn't just keep your damn mouth shut for once?

I walked into my house and leaned against the door, sliding down it until my butt hit the floor. I put my head in my hands and slid my fingers into my hair, pulling at it exasperatedly. "Fuck."


The door pushed open behind me and I fell forwards.

"What are you doing, mija?"

"Nothing. I need you to sign something."

"What is it," she asked, setting her keys down.

I pulled the paper out of my pocket and handed it to her.

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now