Chapter 39

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"Good morning, sleepyhead," Billie said over the phone.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes and looking at the time on my phone. It was twelve in the afternoon. My mom was at work. I didn't have school because it was Saturday. It was my birthday. It was a good day. "Good morning."

"So, I know I asked to hang out today but this last-minute thing came up. I have to go record something. You can come over tomorrow or something, I guess." Disappointment was evident in her voice.

"Oh, uh... okay. Yeah, it's cool."

"Okay, I'm really sorry. Promise I'll make it up to you. I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up. I was a little offended that I didn't even get a "happy birthday" but it was fine. I figured she might've forgotten that it was my birthday. "Fun," I said quietly, standing up and stretching as I glanced around the room. There was nothing to do here.

I grabbed my skateboard and walked outside, locking the door behind me. I dropped my board and started skating off before remembering that I didn't have my phone or house key. Thankfully, our door was messed up—definitely not because I slammed it way too hard—so I could pry it open. I usually used a butter knife. I had to go get one from Billie's house. I hoped somebody was home.

I walked to Billie's house and knock on the door. Billie's car was here but I thought she had something to do. Patrick opened the door. "Hey, Camilla." He looked into the living room and then back at me.

"Hey. Can I borrow a butter knife? I got locked out again." I popped my fingers as I waited for a response.

"Yeah. I'll get one." He walked off and then, to my surprise, Billie appeared in the doorway.

"I thought you had something to do," I said, sounding a little more hostile than I intended.

"I did but I'm done now. Come here. I have a surprise for you."

"Uhm... okay." I stepped into the house and Billie covered my eyes with her hands. I didn't like this. I didn't like not being able to see. "What are you up to, Pirate?"

She laughed. "Okay, wait. Keep your eyes closed. I have to move my hands so that you don't die. Don't peek, okay?"

"Okay." She slowly took her hands off of my face and grabbed onto my arms, guiding me into what I was sure was the kitchen.

She took her hands off of my eyes and I blinked a few times, trying to adjust my eyes to the light—which there wasn't much of. A bunch of people start singing "Happy Birthday" and the little bit of light was coming from the candles on the cake in front of me. I looked around. Claudia, Finneas, Billie, Maggie, and Patrick were all standing around the table, their faces illuminated in orange from the small flickering flames. It was crazy how close I'd gotten to all of them. It didn't feel like it'd been long since I met them, but it had actually been like six months.

I blew the candles out once they stopped singing, not wishing for anything. I didn't really know what to wish for. Everything seemed fine right now and I didn't think that wishes could bring people back from the dead or unkidnap a child.

I guess Billie didn't forget about my birthday. "I actually hate you, Billie."

"What? Why? I mean, I know you said that you didn't want to do anything but—"

"I thought you forgot."

"Of course, I didn't forget, you dork." She flicked my nose. "How could I forget your birthday?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Finneas walked by, hitting me on top of the head with a stack of plates. "Pull the candles out. I want cake."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now