Chapter 21

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I looked around frantically as everything flew around the room. I ducked my head down, not wanting to get hit. What the fuck was happening? Suddenly, everything fell to the ground and it was calm again. I glanced around, taking in the room. My eyes widened as I noticed footprints on the walls and ceiling.

I looked at the top corner beside the door where a strange creature clung to the wall. It had five tentacle-looking legs and two arms. It was looking at me. I backed up, feeling around for Billie. "Billie, look. It's there. Look. Do you see it?"

She gasped loudly. It sounded like she was struggling to breathe. I turned around to look at her and her face looked like it was melting off. She was wearing a gas mask. Her arms snaked around me and I tried to get away from her as she started pulling her mask off, skin coming off in strings like melted cheese when you pick up a freshly baked slice of pizza.

"Camilla," Billie called my name.

I jumped away from her and fell onto the ground, turning around to look at the creature but still replying. "Stop it! No!"

There's no creature. Billie's face wasn't melting. I quickly got back onto the bed just in case there was something under it. Billie was always talking about the monsters under her bed and it was very convincing. "Are you okay?"

I reached up and felt the skin around her mouth to make sure that my eyes aren't deceiving me.

"There's nothing there. See?"

My heart audibly beat a little faster and I scooted back again as I came to a realization. "Wait, how did you know something was there if it was just my imagination?"

She reached her hand out for me and I scooted back again. She smiled, showing off razor-sharp teeth as her face returned to it's melted state. "You got me." She jumped towards me and I screamed.

"Camilla." Billie shook me.

I sat up and looked at her. "Fuck you! Stop! Leave me alone!"


"I'm not... no! Get away from me!"

"Come here. It's fine." She held out her arms but I didn't dare to get closer to her. "Come here!" She yanked me towards her and traced a finger down my cheek, her long nails cutting my face as she hummed an eery tune. Suddenly, she slid her nail across my neck and I gasp for air, but it was as if it'd all vanished. "Can't breathe?" She smiled. "Here." She put the gas mask on my face and I screamed but no noise came out.

"Camilla." Billie shook me.

I sat up and looked at her, my breathing irregular. "You stupid little bitch! Stop it!"

"What are... about," Billie asked. I couldn't tell what she was saying because of the bells ringing in the distance. Where was it coming from?



"I can't hear you! The bells are too loud."

She reached a hand up and I flinched away. I was so confused. Was this Billie or was this the other thing? "I'm gon... my mom..." She stood up and started walking away.

I didn't know what she was doing but I was confused and scared. "Stop! Don't leave! I can't—I can't hear! I can't—what's going on? Why is your face—please—I don't know!" I backed into the corner. What was going on? Was she still the monster? Was that the real Billie? Why couldn't I hear properly? What happened to the monster by the door? It was too dark and everything was too loud. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be left alone but I didn't know if that was normal Billie, or the monster Billie trying to trick me again. How could I know for sure?

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now