Chapter 38

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"So, what are we gonna do?" Billie asked.

I shrugged. "That's what you were supposed to be figuring out."

She looked out the window before raising her eyebrows, her mouth forming an O. "What are you wanting to do for your birthday? It's literally in like four days."


"Really? You have to do something."

I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows at her. "No, I'm serious. I really don't wanna do anything."

She clicked her tongue. "Okay, well..." She took her bottom lip between her teeth, staring at the steering wheel. "You think I could get away with going to a drive-in movie theater?"

I shrugged. "Probably. You'll be in your car."

"Yeah. I'm gonna ask to borrow my mom's car though because she has a big ass trunk and we could just open it—I'm gonna text her right now."


"Okay, so guess what," Billie said, turning to look at me. I glanced down from the movie playing on the huge projected screen. Thankfully, drive-in movie theaters were kind of a dying thing, so it was not completely packed.

I thought for a minute, not quite understanding how to answer what she said. My brain was not functioning properly. "Uh... what?"

"Damnit! You took too long. I don't remember."

"My bad."

"My bad," she mocked.

I looked up at the dark sky as an airplane flew by. There was an airport not too far from here so it was fairly low and extremely loud. Billie threw her legs over mine. "Camillaaa."

"Hm?" I finally took my eyes off of the sky and looked at her. She connected our lips softly and brought her hands up to my face, cupping my jaw in one of her hands and placing the other on my cheek.

"You're so pretty," she whispered after pulling away.

My face heated up as my eyes flickered down to her lips, wanting to feel them on mine again. A small white light flashed in the distance. I quickly turned my head to see what it was but there was nothing there.

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded, still staring towards where I thought the light was. "Yeah. Is this movie almost over?"

She shrugged. "It's kinda boring, don't you think?"

I laughed. "Yeah."

"Damn. Looks like our first date was a flunk, huh?"

For some reason, her mentioning that it was a date made my face, once again, heat up. I shook my head, smiling at her. "I wouldn't say so."

She kissed my nose. "Do you wanna go home?"

"Uh... like home as in my house or back to your house?"

"Whichever you want it to be."

"Let's go to your house."

"I was hoping you'd say that."


"I'm sorry," she said in her weird, baby voice that she always did. "I just miss you already."

"Ew again," I teased, sending her a soft smile so that she knew I was only joking.

"Fuck you," she sang terribly as she climbed into the driver seat.

"I thought you were supposed to be talented or something," I joked as I got into the passenger seat.

"Shut up. You always walk around talking 'bout some 'sing something'." She mocked me in a stupid voice.

"It makes me feel better about my lack of talent because you have an even larger lack of talent."

"Fuck you." She flipped me off.

"You sure as hell wish, don't you?"


I laughed, buckling my seatbelt. "I'm hungry, dude. You guys better still have some spicy ramen noodles."

Billie shook her head at me. "We do."

"Bro—I just remembered that I have to go back to school on Monday. I'm gonna cry."

"Oh no. You should stay the night."


"Bro, shut up." She hit my shoulder.

"That's domestic violence." I rubbed my shoulder.

"I really hate you."


She huffed. "I thought you were going to sleep. You're much more tolerable that way."

"Well, damn. If that's how it's gonna be." I rolled over, hoping she wasn't being serious.

She pulled me into her and threw her leg over me, kissing my neck. "Aww. Don't cry." She flicked my nose teasingly.

"I'm a bad bitch. I don't cry."

"Really? You're a bad bitch?"

"Hell yeah."

"Sure." She scoffed, moving herself to where she was laying partially on top of me, as she always did

"I am!"

"Oh, yeah? You're like the weakest—"

I quickly flipped us over and pressed my forearm up to her throat, eliciting a breathy moan from her. "I'm the weakest..." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to continue.

I could feel her swallow against my arm. "Did I say weakest?" She laughed nervously.

"Mm-hm." I applied a little more pressure to her throat and she locked her arms around my waist, pulling me down to where I was straddling her.

She smirked. "Yeah. You really are."


"You really—"

I pushed my arm down harder and she stopped talking. I assumed it was a little hard at this point. I leaned down and kissed her, the area between my legs heating up as she pulls my waist down harder. I took my arm off of her neck and slid my hands into her hair, tugging on it. She moaned again and I took it as an opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth.

She flipped us over again and set her hand on my hip, sliding it under my shirt. Her hands were cold but I kind of liked it. Her shirt came up a little as she pressed her body against mine. Something much colder than her hands brushed against my stomach. I furrowed my eyebrows, putting my hand on her stomach. "Is that a belly button ring?"

She laughed, nodding.

"Bro, I didn't even know you had one."

She groaned, kissing me again. "Okay. I'll show you later."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now