Chapter 42

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"Alright, Mino. I need you to tell your mom that you're going to Astro's for the weekend." Billie handed me my phone.

"Okay. Why?" I texted my mom and then slid my phone into my pocket.

She turned to me. "This is going to be the corniest and coldest weekend of your life but we need to go."

"Okay," I replied confusedly.

"Cool. Let's go." She grabbed my hand and kissed it before interlocking our fingers and dragging me to her car.

"What are we doing?"

"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I am not into that lovey-dovey shit—"

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows. "I figured you were a total romantic."

She laughed, purposefully bumping into me. "Haha. Very funny. We have to go to the airport."

"I'm sorry." I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

She laughed. "What? You've never been on a plane?"

"No, and I certainly didn't expect you to do anything so big." I ruffled my hair. "I mean, is this okay?"

"I really hope so because I really want to make this happen." She took my hands in hers. "Just a weekend."

"Okay, let's do it."

"This'll be fun."

I glared at her.

"Just don't sit by a window. I know you have your little problem with heights."

"I don't have a problem with heights," I lied.

"Bullshit. You used to tell me about how tall buildings make you dizzy and shit. I know that you're scared of heights. I'm surprised you ever got up on my roof with me."


Billie laughed, rubbing my back as I looked out of the airplane window. "You're gonna be fine."

"Shut up. Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Just tell me."

She sighed, leaning towards me. "It's a surprise."

I groaned. "This is annoying. Can you at least tell me how long this ride is?"

"Nope. I went through a lot of trouble to make sure that you won't be able to figure it out until I'm ready for you to."


"Thank fucking God. I didn't die." I looked around the noisy airport.

Billie pulled her hood on and grabbed my hand. "Come on. Hurry. I went through a lot of trouble to make it to where my mom wouldn't make me bring any bodyguards, and it'll never happen again if I don't hurry."

She pushed through a glass door and a gust of cold wind hit me as I noticed my breath coming out in small cloud. It was freezing.

Billie laughed. "This is probably like the coldest place you've ever been."

I nodded.

"Okay. Come on."

I held my hands over my freezing ears as she led me to a black car. It definitely wasn't her Dodge Challenger but I wasn't sure what it was. We got in and she turned on the heat. "It is..." She turned her phone on and checked the time. "Three in the morning—"

"What? We left at like six something. Where are we?"

"Well, first of all, in a different time zone, dummy."

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now