Chapter 10

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I picked up my skateboard and knocked on Billie's door. Shortly after, she opened it and smiled, bringing me into a hug. "Hey."


"So there was a change of plans. A few of my friends really want me to come to a party they're throwing, so I figured we could hit it up and then come back here and watch movies. Cool?"

I wasn't really in the partying mood, but as long as I was with Billie, I guess I don't care. "Uh..." I thought back to the last party I went to. Well, maybe not.

"I'll stay with you the whole time. I promise Alex isn't gonna touch you tonight, okay?"

"Okay." We got in her car and she drove for a little while before parking on the curb outside of a large house. We went inside and after about ten minutes, Billie walked off after telling me she'd be right back.

I stayed away from most people and waited for Billie but she didn't come "right back."

"Well, what a nice surprise," Alex said, sauntering over to me. "Camilla."

My heartbeat sped up but I acted calm. "Oh my God. Go away."




"Shut up."

"Waiting for somebody," he asked with a smile. "Perhaps a certain black and green-haired girl."

"Just leave me alone, Alejandro." I crossed my arms. I didn't even understand how he kept getting into the same parties that are up to Billie's standards.

"I know where she's at. Just saw her."

"Where?" I asked, trying not to appear as eager as I was.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you."

"No, I'll find her myself." I brushed past him and he grabbed my arm.

"Just let me help you."

I gave him an annoyed glare.

"What? You don't like me anymore? I'm sorry that my dick scared your virgin ass."

"Leave me alone." I brushed past him and he grabbed my wrist, holding it tightly in his hand this time. It kind of hurt.

"Come on. You can't pretend you don't miss me." He backed me into the wall, glancing down at my lips and lowering his voice to a whisper. "Just a little?"

"Get away from me." I shoved him and he slammed me into the wall.

"Keep your fucking hands off of me like I said." He looked at me seriously and then grabbed my face in his hands, yanking me towards him and kissing me. "Wanna know where she's at?"

I stared at him angrily, waiting for him to tell me. I just wanted to get away from him but I also didn't want to search this huge house for her.

"Check the back left corner just through that doorway." He motioned to the doorframe to my right. "You might not like what you see though." He raised his hands in surrender, backing away from me.

I walked through the door and to the corner to see Billie making out with some dude that I'd never seen before. My heart dropped, but I just stood there. I didn't know if I should say something or just let her continue. It would be selfish of me to say something. I had no right to be mad, but that didn't mean I wasn't. And her kissing somebody didn't make me want to stay at the party any more than I did before. I was ready to get out of there. Billie didn't keep her promise. Andrew wouldn't do that.

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now