Chapter 36

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"Are you coming or not?" my mom asked.

"I didn't think it was a—"

"It's not actually a choice. Come get in the damn car."

"Just let me come," Billie said.

"No. You're gonna hate it. I promise."

"It can't be that bad."

"Oh, it can," I assured her.

"Let's see what your mom thinks." She raised her eyebrows. "Ms. Ramirez, can I come to church with you guys?"

"Of course. You both need it. Get in."


Billie and my mom say on either side of me. I sighed. This was great. Just how I wanted to spend my evening. "Shh." My mom elbowed me.

"I wasn't—"


I glanced over at Billie who was struggling to contain her laughter. Fuck this shit. I cringed as somebody strums an electric guitar. This was why I hated electric guitars. It just automatically reminded me of this church.

I somehow managed to make it through all of the music and preaching. And we neared the most dreaded part of church. This was what'd make Billie regret coming. The "prayer line." My mom stood up. "Come on, Camilla. Let's go get in the prayer line."

I hesitantly stood up and followed her. "Come on, Billie. Let's go get in the prayer line." She had no fucking idea what she got herself into.

"Uh... okay." She followed us.

There were about ten people in the line right now. Rob and Jan started shouting random syllables as everybody gathered around the first person in line, either putting a hand on them or reaching towards them. They made their way down until they got to the person in front of my mom. They started yelling random syllables and shaking the lady. They let her go and she fainted. This happened often. She always fainted in the prayer line. They lifted her head up and put a pillow under it before continuing on to my mom. They once again started yelling out random syllables as they shook my mom.

"Oh, wow! Oh my gosh! Andrea, come here." Rob waved a girl with long brown hair and prominent freckles dotting her face over.

She put her hand on my mom and whispered to herself before falling on the ground, laughing hysterically. A group of people laid a white sheet over her as she continued to laugh uncontrollably. This was another frequent occurrence. Only her and Rob did it.

"Holy..." Billie grabbed my shoulder. "Is she okay?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know. Jan looked over at Billie. "She's fine. She's just overwhelmingly joyous because of God—slain in the Spirit."

"Oh... yeah. Okay."

"Tell me." Rob grabbed my mom's shoulders. "Is everything okay with your family? I'm sensing a lack of faith in your family." He glanced over at me.

"Well, if I'm being honest, yes." She nodded, sniffing. She held her hand over her eyes. "Somebody in my family is very confused and picking the wrong friends."

Rob looked at me again. "We will keep your family in our prayers."

"Thank you." She nodded.

He stepped over to Billie and grabbed her shoulders. "Here's a new face. Just who are you?"

"Uh... Billie."

Jan looked over at Rob. "Billie?"


Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now