Chapter 45

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As promised, billiessshoe

"Your cousin is coming to stay with us," my mom said as she checked herself in the mirror. "So, Arianna won't be home until he's gone. At all."

"Oh. Lord. Which one is it?"

She pursed her lips, looking up at me. "Adam. He got kicked out of rehab. I don't really want you alone with him so..." She shrugged. "Try not to be home too much when I'm not, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am. When's he gonna be here?"

She shrugged. "Any minute now. After you let him in, it's okay for you to leave."


I sat down on the couch as she walked out. A few minutes later, there's a knock at the door. I sighed, getting up and opening it to see Adam. He was fine when he was sober. He's the one who taught me how to skateboard. He was really good at it when he wasn't drunk or high. He was looking rough this time around. All of his hair was cut off and he had a new tattoo... right under his left eye. It said Leanne. That was his baby mama's name but they broke up. He had a teardrop by his right eye.

"What's up, dude? It's been forever." He grinned, walking into the house.

I shrugged. "Nothing really. How the hell did you get kicked out of rehab?"

"I got caught with some shit I wasn't supposed to have." He laughed and I nodded. "What you got goin' on? I'm about to hit the skatepark with some homies of mine. You can come if you want."

"I don't know..."

"It's been forever since we've seen each other. Come on."

"Fine." I grabbed my skateboard and followed him outside where three other people were waiting for him. "This is Katherine." He motioned to a girl with long, dark green hair and very pale skin. She had dark circles around her eyes. They all four had that in common. "Jace." He nodded towards a dude with bleached blond hair and hazel eyes that I was definitely envious of. "And Derrion." He pointed to the dude on the far right. He had close to no hair and a light brown complexion. They'd all be very good looking people if they weren't all obviously on some type of drug. "We all got kicked out of rehab together," Adam said proudly.

"Oh." I raised my eyebrows. I needed to get out of there.


I sighed as I watched them all pass a joint around. This was so much fun. Wow. Jace held the joint out for me but I shook my head. Adam laughed, trying to hand me the large flask they'd been passing around as well.

"No, thanks." I shook my head.

"Dude, come on," Adam pressed. "Don't be lame."

"I'm only eighteen."

"I'm only eighteen," he mocked. "Come on. How long has it been since you've gotten high?"

I shrugged. "Since the last time we got high together."

He shook his head. "Come on, Camilla." He handed me the joint. I sighed and took it.


"Since you're feeling bold," Jason said. "I dare you to down the rest of this." He held the flask out to me.

I shook my head, sighing. The day was kind of depressing. The sky was littered with clouds. There was no sun. It felt a little gloomy.

"Since when are you such a pussy?" Adam asked.

My cheeks heated up as I snatched the flask from Jason and downed the rest of it before chunking it at Adam. "Since you started always getting too high to remember. And I'm not talking about weed." I wiped my mouth and grabbed my skateboard, walking away. That was a terrible idea.

Behind Closed Doors // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now