Chapter 1

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Maya's POV:

I woke up to find myself sleeping in some huge hospital room, hooked up to a few machines. I was very confused about what happened and why I was here. I tried remembering what happened before I was knocked out. Suddenly, many memories flash into my mind.

Memories from when my dad beat me up came in first. I remembered the pain, the bruises, and the tears. "I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE STOP!" I'd remember crying out.

Then, memories of when I spent that night alone in the dark alley. I remembered screaming in pain, freezing my ass off, and crying my eyes out. "PLEASE JUST KILL ME NOW!" I remember screaming.

Lastly, and most terrifying, the memory of Riley going unconscious from starving herself hit me like a bullet. I remembered everything, and I mean everything up until I knocked out myself.

Just from the last memory alone, my heart rate increased, my breathing went crazy, and tears filled up my eyes. I clenched on to the bed I was in, and shook as I weeped. I need to know what happened to Riley. Now.

Someone peeked through the door. It was some dude dressed in a nurse uniform. I assumed he was my nurse.

"Oh look at you! You're awake!" The nurse smiled. He came in and studied my tear-filled face. "Is anything wrong?"

"I- I'm fine." I shook.

"I don't think so. Your breathing and heart rate has increased. And you're shaking like a wet dog!" He looked at one of the machines.

"I'm just a little worried. I'll be fine."

"A little? You're kidding me!"

I shoot him a look. "Look, can you please just tell me if my girl's a-alright?"

"You mean Riley Matthews?" He grows a slight frown.

"Yes. Please just tell me how she is."

"Look, I'll go check up on her, alright? I'll be right back." He quickly rushed out the room.

His reaction scared the shit out of me. I wondered if Riley was- no. She couldn't be, right?

I tried breathing through my nose and calming myself down. It just filled up my mind with all the possibilities of what could've happened to Riley. I breathed even faster and my chest started hurting.
Shawn's POV:

I literally cried through the phone as Cory told me how Feeny found the girls. I couldn't believe this was all happening. We both made plans on going to the hospital tomorrow.

Something that made me wonder was Cory's sad tone through the phone when either of us mentioned Riley. I mean she was ok, right? She had to be. She's anything but weak. Especially in the heart.

Cory told me in delight how Auggie finally started talking again, and how Topanga was finally happy for once. He also told me how happy he was that both of his girls were back in his life.

My grin from my face slowly disappeared as I remembered why Maya ran away in the first place. Oh god, she probably never wants to see my face again.

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