Chapter 29

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Maya's POV:

The Matthews called me down to breakfast. I didn't move a muscle. Riley tried to get me to come down, but I told her I wasn't hungry. So after she finished breakfast, she laid down next to me and we talked.



"Are you ok?"


"Oh." She sighed. "Well, just pour your heart out."

"I'm a huge failure."

"You're not a failure."

"Yes I am. I failed at the only thing I wasn't a failure at."

"You're great at many things Maya."

"Like what? School? Art? Having parents? Having friendships? Actually dealing with my problems? Not drinking? Dating? Caring about people? Tell me Riley, what AM I good at? Huh? Tell me!"

"Stop saying that! Maya, most of that stuff isn't even your fault!"

"Yeah, ok."

"Look, why don't we do something?"

"Like what?"

"Well...we could watch a movie or make out or you know, something else."

"No thanks, I'd rather not."

"Come on, please? It'll get your mind off of yesterday."

"I can't just get my mind off of it when I'm in pain!"

"Ok, fine." She frowned and walked out. I pulled the covers over me and sobbed into my pillow.
Riley's POV:

A few days went by and Maya still was upset about that night. I decided to leave her alone until she started to feel better. Of course though, I always felt alone and scared, so I'd crawl back to her and lay right next to her on the bed.

There was some progress though. She was now eating regularly and getting up from the bed once in a while. I felt totally relieved that she wasn't fighting anymore.
Maya's POV:

It was Saturday night, after Riley and I watched a movie, she fell asleep. I had no idea what to do. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. Inside, I felt empty as ever. That's when it hit me. I need a drink.

I didn't want to face Danny and his friends, but to hell with them. At least they'd enjoy the fact that I'm drinking.

I gently removed Riley from my lap, got dressed, and headed out. I took in a deep breath as I entered the bar.

"Hey look! It's my favorite failure!" Danny yelled out. It stung me, but I ignored his comment.

"I'm just here for a drink." I smiled.

"Get the little girl a drink!" Danny yelled out. Soon enough, people were waving glasses and bottles of alcohol at me. I took most of them, and started gulping down.
Author's note:

Thank you for 200 votes guys!

Don't forget to check out my new story, "Girl Meets Hart."

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